Moving Meditation, action in motion.
Moving meditation, the ancestor to using ki/chi energy in all movement.
I am getting annoyed at the misuse and wrong usage of Ki/chi energy for training, techniques, and exercises by many of the threadwriters as they are refering to the practice and training of "Moving Meditation" or inducing a meditative state of mind while physically moving.
How many of you have had teachers who encourage you to research the meditation of Hindu or older sects of Buddhist practice?
Did you practice meditation from verbal instruction, or have you gone deeper in the application of using meditation while doing physical endeavors during the day?
If I told you the real secret to most martial arts is doing a form of moving meditation would that change your focus from merely physical learning experience to a deeper meaning of practice that transcends pain and pleasure concept of physical training?
I know that many old concepts were introduced, changed to fit Chinese and Japanese culture, and they did improve many of the religious or meditation practices. But, to gain proper insight into using what many mistaken for physical ki/chi, you must enter a state of moving meditation.
Should we open a program of meditation to address proper training of body and mind?