Originally posted by Peter Goldsbury
Jun, when are you next in Japan? Perhaps we should have a get together of a Japan Aikiweb group, like they do over on E-budo.com.
Frankly, I don't know when I'll be back in Japan next. I was there for a couple of weeks last August (mainly Tokyo and Kyoto) and was unable to hook up with Peter Rehse back then, unfortunately. The last time I was in Hiroshima, I wasn't doing aikido yet...
But, I will say that if you want to have some sort of get together with folks here on AikiWeb, by all means, please feel free to use these Forums as a way to organize such. It looks like there are a number of people in Japan on these boards right now.
Having helped organize four (and in the midst of number five)
Aikido-L Seminars in the past as well as having attended the Aiki Expo earlier this year, I can only hope such events that cross over stylistic, organizational, and ideological boundaries happen more and more in the future.
I think these kinds of events, however small or large, can only help the growth and evolution of aikido.
-- Jun