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02-22-2010, 08:49 PM
Dojo: Kynsei Ryu
Location: Montecristi
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 53
The "Five Aikido Principles"
who can tell me the 5 aikido`s principies
02-22-2010, 10:01 PM
Location: Orlando, FL
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 1,502
Re: aikido principies
There are more than one "Five Principles of Aikido"... Here are two versions:
1. Aikido is the path that joins all paths of the universe throughout eternity; it is the Universal Mind that contains all things and unifies all things.
2. Aikido is the truth taught by the universe and must be applied to our lives on this earth.
3. Aikido is the principle and the path that join humanity with the Universal Consciousness.
4. Aikido will come to completion when each individual, following his or her true path, becomes one with the universe.
5. Aikido is the path of strength and compassion that leads to the infinite perfection and ever-increasing glory of God. And:
1. Extending Your Mind
The extension of ones mind is directly connected to the extension of Ki. A person who extends their mind becomes aware of everything around them and naturally extends Ki. A person who extends Ki, naturally extends their mind.
2. Know Your Partner's Mind
To know your partners mind is to know your partners "intentions". This can only be achieved with the free extension of Ki.
3. Respect Your Partner's Ki
From a self defence stand point, respecting your partner's Ki would be to blend with an attack rather than meeting it head on. In daily life you can think of this as respecting someone's opinion and not dismissing them out of hand.
4. Put Yourself In Your Partner's Place
In Aikido this can literally mean swapping places with someone. In daily life it is the same. We consider how we would feel if we were the person in a difficult situation.
5. Perform With Confidence
A person who has no confidence will always hesitate and perform poorly. This is true in Aikido as in daily life. When a person performs with true confidence they are relaxed, focused and fully aware. ********There are others; some pertaining more specifically to ki unification, and others to states of mind. Much depends on the teaching lineage of whomever you are talking to at the time.
Last edited by crbateman : 02-22-2010 at 10:03 PM.
02-23-2010, 01:53 AM
Dojo: Kynsei Ryu
Location: Montecristi
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 53
Re: The "Five Aikido Principles"
I don`t remember well but I believe
and each one represent a diferent kind to do a techniches
02-23-2010, 05:58 AM
Location: Orlando, FL
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 1,502
Re: The "Five Aikido Principles"
Felipe Gomez wrote:
I don`t remember well but I believe
and each one represent a diferent kind to do a techniches
Technically, ikkyo, nikyo, sankyo, yonkyo, and gokyo (lit. "first teaching", "second teaching", "third teaching", etc.) are basic techniques, not principles. There are others as well, such as "rokkyo", but opinions as to which other techniques should be included in the "basics" (kihon waza) begin to differ at this point.
02-23-2010, 06:46 AM
Dojo: Charlotte Aikikai Agatsu Dojo
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 1,944
Re: The "Five Aikido Principles"
1. show up
2. train
3. pay your dues
4. have fun
5. help out with the dojo
#1 is the toughest one to deal with
there are a bunch of assistant principles which help you learn aikido too.
02-23-2010, 07:53 AM
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 495
Re: The "Five Aikido Principles"
I like that Phi. Mind if I borrow? I need to post those principles in the dojo:-)
02-23-2010, 08:55 AM
Dojo: Aikido Fellowship of Great Britain
Location: Birmingham
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 84
Re: The "Five Aikido Principles"
Haven't we reached 25 principles now?
02-23-2010, 08:59 AM
Dojo: Aiki Shoshinkan, Aiki Kenkyukai
Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 813
Re: The "Five Aikido Principles"
1. Fudo Genri/ Immovable principles:
4 points towards Body, Mind and Spirit unity...
a. Concentrate on seika tanden/dantien or center.
b. Mind, heart and body must relax.
c. Feel the Ki in any movement and extend it
d. Mu Shin (no mind, or stop thinking too much)
2. Kihon Genri/ Basic Principles:
These are movement principles that follow the Aiki Law or Natural Universe Law.
a. Chushin: Center line. Always move from your own center line. Connect to uke and bring him into your center line. Do not move his center line separate from yours.
b.Shuchu: Focus power starting from the mind into the body.
c. Kokyu: Breath power, connecting the energy of the body and the physical aspects.
d. Enshin: Circular movement or more precisely, spiralling. You can spiral inwards or outwards.
3. Aiki Genri:
Energy principles, essential in resolving conflict.
a. Awase: Blending, to harmonise with incoming force not to avoid or fight it. Body leads the mind.
b. Musubi: Connection, stage two of harmonising. Musubi can occur in many levels not just at the physical level. Mind leads the body.
c. Nagare: Fluid movement, there is no stop in movement or conflict. Joining with partners energy and moving synergistic-ally.
d. Takemusu Aiki: Unlimited manifestation of Aiki. This is a stage when you are living in harmony with the universe. Technique is not essential because your opponent cannot defeat you since he will be fighting himself.
5 Stages of Understanding Aiki
1. Aiki no Kokoro: Understand and belief within your heart the principles of Aiki.
2. Aiki no Genri: Know and understand the Aiki Principles.
3. Aiki no Waza: Embody the techniques of Aiki in training and life.
4. Aiki no Chikara: Resulting from training and embodiment of Aiki principles, achieve the power of Aiki.
5. Aiki no Seishin: True Aiki. Its 'switched on' without your active participation.
Draw strength from stillness. Learn to act without acting. And never underestimate a samurai cat.
02-23-2010, 09:13 AM
Dojo: AIA, Los Angeles, CA
Location: California
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 1,604
Re: The "Five Aikido Principles"
Let me see...
1. Be prepared.
2. Do your best.
3. To help other people at all times.
4. To keep physically strong.
5. To obey the scout law.
I just seem to remember there being a lot more...
02-23-2010, 10:36 AM
Dojo: North Winnipeg Aikikai
Location: Winnipeg, Canada
Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 265
Re: The "Five Aikido Principles"
There are also these 5 points from Ki Society Aikido:
1.) Extend Ki.
2.) Keep weight underside.
3.) Relax.
4.) Maintain one point.
5.) Unify mind and body.
(Just for the record, I'm Aikikai affiliated.)
"Iron sharpens iron; so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend."
02-23-2010, 12:42 PM
Dojo: Allegheny Aikido, Pitsburgh PA
Location: Pittsburgh PA
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 948
Re: The "Five Aikido Principles"
1) talking to people on the internet, about aikido, is fun but it does not replace training.
2) Watching utube vids, about aikido, on the internet is fun, but it does not replace training
3) Asking questions about aikido on the internet is fun but it does not replace your sensei
4) Reading books about Aikido is fun and informative, but they do not replace actual training.
5) getting into arguments about aikido on the internet is fun (for some)... but it is not aikido.
in other words
1) Go to the dojo.
2) Learn aikido by doing aikido
3) Ask your sensei first, and listen to him. (or her)
4) Train hard and with sincerity.
5) Practice aikido in your every day life.
02-23-2010, 12:54 PM
Dojo: AIA, Los Angeles, CA
Location: California
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 1,604
Re: The "Five Aikido Principles"
Jonathan Hay wrote:
There are also these 5 points from Ki Society Aikido:
1.) Extend Ki.
2.) Keep weight underside.
3.) Relax.
4.) Maintain one point.
5.) Unify mind and body.
(Just for the record, I'm Aikikai affiliated.)
From my understanding of Ki Aikido you've kinda mixed things together.
In Ki Aikido the principles to unify mind and body are:
1.) Extend Ki.
2.) Keep weight underside.
3.) Relax.
4.) Maintain one point.
So the "unify mind and body" thing is the larger "meta-principle" with the four listed as the way that is done.
I've also heard reference to 5 general principles of Ki Aikido, but those are mostly different from what you listed.
1.) Extend Ki.
2.) Know your partner’s mind.
3.) Respect your partner’s Ki.
4.) Put yourself in the place of your partner.
5.) Perform with confidence.
FWIW. And my knowledge is limited as we are an offshoot of Ki Society and there were changes made for us. So... YMMV.
02-25-2010, 08:13 AM
Dojo: MUN Aikido
Location: Paradise, Newfoundland and Labrador
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 69
Re: The "Five Aikido Principles"
Mary Heiny talked about 5 principles at a seminar I attended last year:
* Ki-Iku (Ki Development)
* Chi-Iku (Development of wisdom)
* Tai-Iku (Development of the physical body)
* Toku-Iku (Ethical Development)
* Joshiki (Development of "Common sense")
02-25-2010, 08:21 AM
Dojo: AIA, Los Angeles, CA
Location: California
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 1,604
Re: The "Five Aikido Principles"
For some reason this thread reminds me of this quote:
"There are two kinds of people in the world: those who divide the world into two kinds of people, and those who don't" -- Robert Benchley
02-25-2010, 09:30 AM
Dojo: Aikido-Kajukenbo Self Defense Center
Location: Boise
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 98
Re: The "Five Aikido Principles"
Keith Larman wrote:
Let me see...
1. Be prepared.
2. Do your best.
3. To help other people at all times.
4. To keep physically strong.
5. To obey the scout law.
I just seem to remember there being a lot more...
I'm a scout, this made me laugh! Thanks Keith!
"Aikido is nothing but an expression of the spirit of Love for all living things."
Morihei Ueshiba
04-28-2016, 06:46 AM
Dojo: Aikido Shudokan
Location: Melbourne
Join Date: Mar 2015
Posts: 5
Re: The "Five Aikido Principles"
Here are six principles of Daito-Ryu Aikijujutsu and Aikido:
"Katsuyuki Kondo Sensei explains the basic principles of Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu"
礼 ... rei ... respect
目付 ... metsuke ... eye contact
間合 ... maai ... distancing
呼吸 ... kokyu ... timing, breathing
崩し ... kuzushi ... unbalancing
残心 ... zanshin ... remaining mindful
I think these principles are a recipe for good technique, from start to finish.
05-17-2016, 07:24 AM
Dojo: Koshinkai Leeuwarden
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Re: The "Five Aikido Principles"
Principle of Aikido:
Don't be an A$$h*le?
For some this is also the secret of Aikido
05-17-2016, 08:29 PM
Location: Kawasaki, Kanagawa
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 1,278
Re: The "Five Aikido Principles"
How about:
1) Keep it Simple, Stupid
2) Warm up before, stretch after
3) Canned beans are okay, but don't use the liquid
4) Invest in low-expense ratio equity index funds
5) No matter where you're going, there you are
05-18-2016, 07:04 AM
Dojo: Roswell Budokan, Kyushinkan (AWA)
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Posts: 74
Re: The "Five Aikido Principles"
We had an unofficial principle, "Not dead yet!"
05-18-2016, 10:06 AM
Location: Massachusetts
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Posts: 3,202
Re: The "Five Aikido Principles"
How about starting with a workable definition of "principle"? I don't think platitudes count.
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