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06-14-2007, 02:29 PM
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 2
Aikido or Kenpo (trying to decide)
Hey guys!! I'm really glad I found this website and these forums...so much information!!
I'm a 22 year old male and I've been searching for something to get into..or some kind of hobby/interest type thing (i have none..besides working out). I've decided to devote the next year to martial arts and based on everything I've read online the two styles I'm interested in are Aikido vs Kenpo. It would be nice to learn both eventually.
I've done some google searches and forum searches and havent been able to find much information comparing the two. In my understanding Aikido is a "cause no harm" style (which seems like it could really come in handy in RL) while Kenpo is more lethal....in the Kenpo video's I've watched I've seen some similarities...and was just wondering how similar it is.
I'm doing this for multiple reasons...to improve myself (mentally spiritually) and to learn a form of self defense. I don't know how to defend myself at all right now...and in the past year or two I've had 2 altercations by a drunk family member and by a drugged up ex g/f friends boyfriend. They were both a lot bigger than me and were crazy to the point of baseball bats...send me to the hospital type rage. I avoiding both of them in my own various ways and nothing happened besides me getting thrown around a little.
Over all...I'd like to not have that intense fear come over me in these situations...I'd like to know that I can handle myself if something does happen...if punches are thrown...baseball bats/knives are out...which is why Im interested in Aikido. I really don't care about being "big and bad" or fighting for that matter....but I'd like to be able to defend myself if the need arises. Kenpo seems like it would be could for this also...but would cause damage...and I have seen a few similar throws.
Anyway...can I get some of your thoughts on the two? Maybe some advice as to what would be better for me....or maybe some comments from someone who practices the too? 
06-14-2007, 02:43 PM
Dojo: Confluence Aiki-Dojo / Santa Cruz Sword Club
Location: Santa Cruz
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Posts: 1,049

Re: Aikido or Kenpo (trying to decide)
Scott Sharpe wrote:
Hey guys!! I'm really glad I found this website and these forums...so much information!!
I'm a 22 year old male and I've been searching for something to get into..or some kind of hobby/interest type thing (i have none..besides working out). I've decided to devote the next year to martial arts and based on everything I've read online the two styles I'm interested in are Aikido vs Kenpo. It would be nice to learn both eventually.
I've done some google searches and forum searches and havent been able to find much information comparing the two. In my understanding Aikido is a "cause no harm" style (which seems like it could really come in handy in RL) while Kenpo is more lethal....in the Kenpo video's I've watched I've seen some similarities...and was just wondering how similar it is.
I'm doing this for multiple reasons...to improve myself (mentally spiritually) and to learn a form of self defense. I don't know how to defend myself at all right now...and in the past year or two I've had 2 altercations by a drunk family member and by a drugged up ex g/f friends boyfriend. They were both a lot bigger than me and were crazy to the point of baseball bats...send me to the hospital type rage. I avoiding both of them in my own various ways and nothing happened besides me getting thrown around a little.
Over all...I'd like to not have that intense fear come over me in these situations...I'd like to know that I can handle myself if something does happen...if punches are thrown...baseball bats/knives are out...which is why Im interested in Aikido. I really don't care about being "big and bad" or fighting for that matter....but I'd like to be able to defend myself if the need arises. Kenpo seems like it would be could for this also...but would cause damage...and I have seen a few similar throws.
Anyway...can I get some of your thoughts on the two? Maybe some advice as to what would be better for me....or maybe some comments from someone who practices the too? 
When I first began my formal Aikido practice many years ago, my boyfriend was training in American Kenpo (Parker System). Ironically, and to the disagreement of some of my fellow aikidoka, I thought the two to be similar in their 'radicalness'. Aikido being 'maximum benevolence', kenpo being 'overskill'. The two forms overlapped in their utter extremes of effectiveness, they both pulled the arts into two ends of the spectrum. I learned quite bit of Kenpo and my boyfriend learned quite a lot of Aikido. I guess you could say we crosed trained with one another. To the great betterment of both of us.
I honestly think you could go either way if you have what you want in mind. If you go 'overskill'(kenpo) you an focus your spirit on the philosophy of aikido. And if you go Aikido, you can focus on atemi (opening strikes) and harder styles in aikido. Either way, you will need to devote a lot of yourself to develop either of these routes. Neither one of them comes easier, necessarily.
So listen to what others have to say and then put one foot in front of the next until you find a good dojo. And then train,train,train.
best of wishes,
Last edited by jennifer paige smith : 06-14-2007 at 02:47 PM.
Jennifer Paige Smith
Confluence Aikido Systems
06-14-2007, 02:44 PM
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Re: Aikido or Kenpo (trying to decide)
Go watch classes in person, if you are able. The specific school, instructor and overall "vibe" of a given place to train are just as important as the art, in my opinion.
06-14-2007, 02:49 PM
Dojo: Aikido Society of Memphis
Location: Memphis, TN
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 65

Re: Aikido or Kenpo (trying to decide)
So, you are going to devote only one year to one of these arts? If that is the case then I would say Kempo... Otherwise then of course it should be Aikido! 
06-14-2007, 02:52 PM
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 188
Re: Aikido or Kenpo (trying to decide)
Scott, I sent you a PM.
melior est canis vivus leone mortuo
Bog svsami!!!
06-14-2007, 03:17 PM
Location: Florida Gulf coast
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Re: Aikido or Kenpo (trying to decide)
IMHO, if you only have a year to devote, do Kenpo.
Lynn Seiser PhD
Yondan Aikido & FMA/JKD
We do not rise to the level of our expectations, but fall to the level of our training. Train well. KWATZ!
06-14-2007, 03:43 PM
Location: Auckland
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Posts: 971

Re: Aikido or Kenpo (trying to decide)
Frankly if 1 year self defence is the goal - I'd say neither. Look into Muay Thai, Judo, BJJ, Wrestling, Sambo, Boxing or if there is a genuine MMA school nearby (caveat: teaching tai chi and savate under the same roof does not qualify as MMA).
"When your only tool is a hammer every problem starts to look like a nail"
06-14-2007, 04:44 PM
Location: swansea wales
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Posts: 250

Re: Aikido or Kenpo (trying to decide)
I would echo some of the already mentioned comments such as go watch a class or two see what your insides tell you, but i would like to quickly draw upon your comment "Aikido is a "cause no harm" style" this to me is a big misconception Aikido offers you the choice to deliver as much or as little harm as you see fit, just because a trained student of aikido can take ukemi (breakfalls) the average yob on a concrete surface wouldnt fare well at all.
which ever way you go i wish you a happy and safe jurney
06-14-2007, 05:55 PM
Dojo: Confluence Aiki-Dojo / Santa Cruz Sword Club
Location: Santa Cruz
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 1,049

Re: Aikido or Kenpo (trying to decide)
Guy Weeks wrote:
So, you are going to devote only one year to one of these arts? If that is the case then I would say Kempo... Otherwise then of course it should be Aikido! 
Hi Scott,
Is it that you are only going to practice martial arts for 1 year period.? Or is it that you are making a special effort and devotion to training beginning with one year and then maybe more?
Jennifer Paige Smith
Confluence Aikido Systems
06-14-2007, 06:06 PM
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 2
Re: Aikido or Kenpo (trying to decide)
Hey. Thanks for all of the responses so far.
The only reason I said 1 year is because thats the minimum amount of time I'm gonna dedicate to which ever style I choose. Martial arts is something I would like to start and continue doing for many years.
I just hate doing stuff half ass and then quitting...so whichever style I choose I'm going to stick with it for at least a year before I decide on staying with it or not.
From what I've read I'm really interested in Aikido...I havent read too much about Kenpo. I found a dojo that seems okay based on their website...but I will be calling them to sign up for a free class. their website is http://www.snjkokikai.com
I would eventually (in a couple years) want to learn a couple styles. Aikido seems like it compliments some others pretty good. Only thing I don't like about Aikido (from what I've read...could be wrong) is that they don't teach any form of hitting...which you may or may not need in certain RL situations.
06-14-2007, 06:17 PM
Location: Auckland
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 971

Re: Aikido or Kenpo (trying to decide)
I know plenty of people who have reported being successful in real life without throwing a strike. Dealing with strikes may well be more important than throwing them.
"When your only tool is a hammer every problem starts to look like a nail"
06-14-2007, 07:44 PM
Location: Indiana
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Re: Aikido or Kenpo (trying to decide)
Michael Fooks wrote:
Frankly if 1 year self defence is the goal - I'd say neither. Look into Muay Thai, Judo, BJJ, Wrestling, Sambo, Boxing or if there is a genuine MMA school nearby (caveat: teaching tai chi and savate under the same roof does not qualify as MMA).
I'd second this, however I would not discurage you from keeping an open mind, asking questions, thinking critically, and trying out classes in any art you think you might like. Then make your decision.
This should not be done lightly. There is a lot more at stake then just sub par training. There are many frauds in the arts, Many contract scams, many cults. You need to be wary and be sure you have found what you are looking for. This isn't much of a problem in aikido, but I've seen lots of questionable kenpo and kempo schools. I'd also suggest reading this http://www.bullshido.com/articles/fi...ts-school.html
- Don
"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough" - Albert Einstein
06-14-2007, 11:35 PM
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 69
Re: Aikido or Kenpo (trying to decide)
Lynn Seiser wrote:
IMHO, if you only have a year to devote, do Kenpo.
also if working out is your only hobby as you say then you can train in both at the same time that way you can apply Kenpo in situations like the ones you described while not losing out on learning Aikido which is an art that you don't want to miss it requires extreme patience but this is the price for anything that has value.. fast food = junk food V real home coocked food
best of luck
06-15-2007, 12:40 AM
Dojo: Warren Budokan, Ohio USA
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Re: Aikido or Kenpo (trying to decide)
Hi Scott,
We teach Shodokan Aikido and Parker Kenpo in my schools, along with Judo and various weapons. I would suggest that you train in both. You will hear that that is not possible, but I am of the opinion and past practice of training in in multiple arts at once. Some agree, some disagree with this, YOU be the judge of what is best for you. In order to learn to defend against a kick or punch, one has to learn to kick and punch to understand what the human body is doing.
Good luck...you will have to tell us of your experience.
06-15-2007, 10:09 PM
Dojo: West Wind Dojo Santa Monica California
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Re: Aikido or Kenpo (trying to decide)
Hell why not do both and let your own experiances sort out the correct choice.
WIlliam Hazen
06-24-2007, 05:27 PM
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Re: Aikido or Kenpo (trying to decide)
William Hazen wrote:
Hell why not do both and let your own experiances sort out the correct choice.
WIlliam Hazen
I fully agree. Try them both, and decide for yourself. You may like one art better, or like one dojo better. I hope, for your sake, they are the same.
06-25-2007, 08:34 AM
Dojo: aikido of central new york
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Posts: 143

Re: Aikido or Kenpo (trying to decide)
Scott have you tried looking into Kali or Arnis, i have found that the Filipino martial arts are a great compliment to Aikido, both very flowing and the foot work very similar
06-25-2007, 09:31 AM
Dojo: Nishin Kan
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Re: Aikido or Kenpo (trying to decide)
Hmm... I think that choosing a style is not as important as choosing a good teacher and a dojo that fits you. Even with my short Aikido lifespan, I've noticed that the learning experience in different dojos greatly varies. Even what is taught can be very different.
So I'd say, focus your choosing on the dojo rather than the art. Find out who teaches in your area and attend their class. See if you like how classes are constructed, how good the senior students are, see if it's a place you'd like to come back to and not get away from.
06-25-2007, 09:42 AM
Location: Orlando, FL
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Re: Aikido or Kenpo (trying to decide)
Aikido is usually a long-term deal. Many do not understand it fully after decades of study. You can't expect much in a year. Kenpo will give you more bang in a shorter time. I would urge you, however, not to limit yourself to a single year of anything. And why not study both?
06-25-2007, 09:58 AM
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Posts: 1,214

Re: Aikido or Kenpo (trying to decide)
Roy Klein wrote:
Hmm... I think that choosing a style is not as important as choosing a good teacher and a dojo that fits you. Even with my short Aikido lifespan, I've noticed that the learning experience in different dojos greatly varies. Even what is taught can be very different.
So I'd say, focus your choosing on the dojo rather than the art. Find out who teaches in your area and attend their class. See if you like how classes are constructed, how good the senior students are, see if it's a place you'd like to come back to and not get away from.
I think this is the best advise yet.
06-25-2007, 10:52 AM
Dojo: SC Seidokan Aikido
Location: South Carolina
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Posts: 13

Re: Aikido or Kenpo (trying to decide)
Go try a couple different schools. Find a Sensei, and a dojo that you fit with. All arts have teachers and classes of different calibers and attitudes, find the one that is right for you.
06-25-2007, 05:58 PM
Dojo: Kokikai Aikido Boston
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Re: Aikido or Kenpo (trying to decide)
I'd try to get some referrals in your area. Ask around or go to local message boards. As others have said, check into the area schools to see what is convenient for you and affordable. When you have narrowed it down, maybe study at each school for a month or too, just to get an idea of weather you will like it or not.
06-26-2007, 11:17 AM
Dojo: Yoshokai; looking into judo
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 434

Re: Aikido or Kenpo (trying to decide)
Michael Fooks wrote:
Frankly if 1 year self defence is the goal - I'd say neither. Look into Muay Thai, Judo, BJJ, Wrestling, Sambo, Boxing or if there is a genuine MMA school nearby (caveat: teaching tai chi and savate under the same roof does not qualify as MMA).
I would tend to agree. 1 year of serious training in those arts (which put a heavy emphasis on actual live sparring) will probably do you a lot more good. Aikido might require more work on your part to ensure you're not just dancing through class getting deluded ideas about your own abilities.
Another option: do MMA stuff for a year, and work really hard at it. After that, give aikido a shot if you'd like to try a new approach with some different methods and techniques. (And please, oh please, own some uppity black belt in randori when s/he is expecting a retarded zombie-shove...  )
Last edited by Paul Sanderson-Cimino : 06-26-2007 at 11:23 AM.
06-26-2007, 01:38 PM
Dojo: Karcag Aikido Club
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Posts: 750

Re: Aikido or Kenpo (trying to decide)
Ill throw in my 2cents after my 12th lesson.
It really depends on perspective.
Aikido will teach you what you naturally would probably do in a fight...if you didnt want to get hurt. (Roll with the energy/flow of the attacker) and then you go further by learning to use that momentum against them.
Its tricky at first, but after watching videos again and again, and training, it all is like the movements of the universe...a dance, and its like flowing vs. hard - use your body as a shield - style.
Personally, if I had the time and energy I would probably do the following. Thai boxing and Aikido. Also, I am interested in Wing chun, but where Im at its a slow advancement process like Aikido, and I dont know if I want 2 sports that take 20 years to get black belt.
I personally hate wrestling, but I would probably mix in Bj jujitusu to compliment my aikdio.
Personally I love to hit, and knee (so Thaiboxing is what Im looking at complimenting my aikido). I chose Aikido to challenge me spiritually and to learn to win the fight by not having to fight.
If you notice, you tend to draw stuff to you. And when you can drop any signs of 'ego' you can usually go without getting into the fight to begin with. (just another 2 cents - seeing I have change to throw around today. lol )
Kenpo...I dont know if it was kenpo or kempo that I saw years back in Colorado Springs....but whatever it was, used the 'bo' and I totally dug the stick fighting. Just for that I probably would take kenpo (if its the right one.) Albeit a better compliment may be iado and kendo with aikido.
All the best, and it boils to what is in your area too.Up for some ninjitusu.
06-26-2007, 02:15 PM
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 534

Re: Aikido or Kenpo (trying to decide)
My opinion for me, is to do aikido. Strikes and kicks that kenpo can teach you have more of a chance to pick up along the way. The stuff that aikido teaches, I don't think one can.
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