Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 1
From Yoshinkan to Aikikai! A journey of discovery.
Hello Aikidoka!
I wanted to introduce myself. I am new to this forum, having not visited here in over 7 years, or more. For some reason, when I entered what I thought was my old UserName, it did not work, nor did my password.
Funny that, after requesting a new password, and receiving an email indicating that I should reset it, the system "gave" me my name, "Candice Beginner". Funny, in that my first name IS Candice. Is that "aiki psychic"? Ha ha!
In any case, I have practiced Yoshinkan for over a decade. I attained NiDan in this style over 4 years ago. As a woman, my most inspiring teacher in Yoshinkan was Chizuko Matsuo Sensei. She still remains, to this day, an emulation of perfection, strength and beauty in her style of execution and teachings.
Unfortunately, over the past 4 years, I've had major health issues, including a recurring symptom of severe vertigo, which included diffuculty in speaking clearly. Weird, and scary.
They thought I had MS, then Lupus, then a whole lot of other things. Finally, after 3 years of investigation, during various tests, an MRI indicated a brain anuerism. Got that fixed in Sept/08. What a ride, and I'm still recovering parts of my memory, and functioning. I still have bouts of vertigo, unrelated to that fortunate, but unrelated discovery.
I am so incredibly lucky to be alive. Through the past number of months, I deliberated on whether I should return to aikido. Interestingly, at that time, an Aikikai dojo opened in my city, which I "accidentally found" on kijiji, while looking for CD shelves! For some reason, I typed into the search, "aikido", and voila!
I have decided to switch to this style, due to my original interest in this style and a more general focus on "ki" in a way that matches my personality, and my stage of life at this time.
At the time I joined Yoshinkan, there were no Aikikai dojos in the town where I live. I will always cherish my memories training with all my Yoshinka aikidoka friends, but am now "entering" and moving into a "pivot" from a different direction.
I am NOW, once again.... a Beginner. I start at my new dojo on June 1, and looking forward to "emptying my mind to receive new teachings".
Funny, because I really like Yoshinkan, and will always do so, but I feel drawn to Aikikai now, and will enthusiastically embrace the teachings, as brought down via the Ueshiba lineage.
I truly feel like a beginner, and now know, that I always will be.... a "beginners mind" .....
OSU! Happy training!