John Robinson wrote:
Today I found two car stickers, for a white and yellow rank, in Gracie Jiu-jitsu. I have legitimately earned my yellow belt twice in two local Aikido clubs. And I've watched some GJJ dvds from a combatives box set. You can't just buy these online right? They have to be earned? Plus I didn't even know they did yellow in GJJ/BJJ? I thought the first rank, after white, was blue? Maybe it's just for me?! Ps it says since 195 at the bottom! 
For kids up to 16 the ranks are:
The GJJ garage program is not really thought of highly in BJJ circles. It's always better to learn in person. Learning in a silo will take longer and be less effective. A GJJ blue belt is in no way equivalent to a blue belt that has mat time of 3 years before. BJJ ranks are the hardest to achieve as there are not many of them. My path to black has spanned 13 years.
Aikido rank in no way transfers over to BJJ. If someone told you this or awarded you any rank as an Aikido instructor, you are at an McDojo. I would even question the legitimacy of your Aikido instructor. They could be one of those larping ponytail fraud type instructors. Do your research if you are just starting out.
I started my grappling journey in Aikido. As I started to see other arts and how effective they were in real situations, I was more and more drawn to them (JJJ, Judo and BJJ). Even with very minimal knowledge from self study I was submitting my Aikido classmates when we would goof around before or after class. This included students much higher ranked than me. Fast forward 14 or so years and I now teach at a BJJ academy.
I do believe that Aikido is martial arts at the highest level. Art is the key word here. It's an ideal, that in the perfect situation and execution, it can work in theory. It's not tested against any sort of real resistance and that will always limit it from being a combat art. I use some principles in my BJJ practice, but they have to be modified for the real world and all the variable that come in when someone is fully resisting.