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Old 07-15-2008, 12:01 PM   #51
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Re: "Non-Aikido Martial Traditions" Forum

Hi folks,

I appreciate the respectful, open, and honest feedback and dialogue(s) that we're having here.

To address a few points directly:
Timothy Walters Kleinert wrote: View Post
But I think the "General" forum would benefit a lot from Daito-ryu discussion, if for nothing else, for the fact that Daito-ryu provides a historical context for Aikido.
I am very happy to have people discussing historical, technical, and other aspects of arts outside of aikido and how it relates to aikido in the general aikido forums here -- as long as those discussions are focused on their relationship to aikido. Once it starts to focus outside of aikido, I believe the discussion should be moved to the Non-Aikido Martial Traditions forum. As I have written in the past, I created the AikiWeb Forums for people to discuss the art of aikido and their experiences in the art. There may be many influences that people have had in their experiences that have helped elucidate certain elements of their aikido practice. I sure have. And, I'm frankly happy to hear people discussing their experiences from non-aikido sources in the general forums -- as long as they discuss how their experiences relate directly to their on-going aikido practice.
Mark Murray wrote: View Post
Dan, Mike, Timothy, Rob, Ron, Ellis, and I have all experienced things first hand. Jun has not. Do not disparage those who have not yet had the chance that we were given.
I do not see how I am disparaging other people's experiences. I'm also a bit perplexed as to another instance of trying to bring in my personal training into the discussion. All I'll ask is to please do not confuse my reticence to share my personal training history with closed-mindedness nor lack of diverse, first-hand experience.
Dan Harden wrote: View Post
I think Juns point is precise though.
a) Talk about aiki training in context of aikido, how it relates, in the larger forums.
b) Talk about where it came from or how it used in other arts in the Non-Aikido forum.
Yes, that's pretty much it, really.

Lastly, once again, let's keep discussions not pertaining to the formation of the Non-Aikido Martial Traditions forum out of this thread. Thanks.

OK, folks. I need to get back to work here.


-- Jun

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Old 07-15-2008, 12:37 PM   #52
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Re: "Non-Aikido Martial Traditions" Forum

Jun Akiyama wrote: View Post
I do not see how I am disparaging other people's experiences. I'm also a bit perplexed as to another instance of trying to bring in my personal training into the discussion. All I'll ask is to please do not confuse my reticence to share my personal training history with closed-mindedness nor lack of diverse, first-hand experience.


-- Jun
Didn't mean it that way.

Old 07-15-2008, 01:13 PM   #53
Timothy WK
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Re: "Non-Aikido Martial Traditions" Forum

I hear you Jun, you make the rules.

But just to clarify, I'm arguing something different than the other people here:
  • Others seem to be arguing for a general re-definition of "aiki" as internal skill... Which kinda opens the door to discussing non-aiki sources or methods. You don't want that, which is cool, I get it.
  • I'm arguing that the specific topic(s) of Daito-ryu history, technique, training, etc should be considered the same thing as Aikido. IMO, there is a very close and direct technical and historical link between the two that makes discussion of Daito-ryu extremely relevant to Aikido---in a way unlike any other art (even Judo). Given that Ueshiba practiced Daito-ryu as his primary art---for at least part of his life---I think most of what can be said about Daito-ryu would be things that the Founder practiced himself, or was relevant to his personal practice (I'm one of those people who get tempted to call Aikido "Ueshiba-ha Daito-ryu")... But I'll add that only a handful of people on this board, I believe, really have any sort of authority to speak about "Daito-ryu" (I have extremely little myself).

--Timothy Kleinert
Old 07-15-2008, 09:13 PM   #54
Dan Austin
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Re: "Non-Aikido Martial Traditions" Forum

Rob Liberti wrote: View Post
No one - not even Dan is saying Dan does aikido. But I think it's a bit much to say I am discussing non-aikido when I apply something *I learned from* non-aikido to AIKIDO. Plenty of other names for the forum where suggested which would avoid such a problem.
What problem?

Otherwise, it kind of leaves me feeling like: so am I the head instructor of "shobu non-aikido of connecticut" now?
Maybe the poll of the week should be how many Aikidoka are annoyed by discussions being diverted to internal skills and how everybody other than Dan is an aiki-less weenie. Perhaps those numbers would explain the wisdom of a separate forum. I can tolerate you guys because I have no problem being a bit of jerk too, but many people are much more delicate.

Seriously, I really wouldn't worry about where the threads go, typically the NAMT forum has quite a bit of readership, and many of the most-viewed and interesting threads are there too. As long as the interested people know where to find the posts, that's great. There's even a search function! I can have all Dan Harden all the time if I like! I don't mind yanking people's chains when they're begging for it (like now), but I have to say Jun has shown an admirable level of patience even when you're dragging his meatspace affiliations into the picture. Trust me, if it were my website and people had the nerve to publicly whine about how I ran it, or pontificate about my personal experiences without being in my head, my answer would be f******************************************k you.
Old 07-15-2008, 09:40 PM   #55
Peter Goldsbury
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Re: "Non-Aikido Martial Traditions" Forum

I would like to come to Jun's support here.

I am a moderator or one discussion forum and regularly contribute to two more and I can see clearly how Jun has chosen to moderate this general forum (his forum). There are other ways of doing so (and I myself have been much more severe, over at E-Budo, in the case of Baffling Budo / Bad Budo, which could have legal consequences).

I think if contributors have issues with the way Jun moderates the forum and organizes the threads, they should discuss this via PM.

Best wishes to all,

P A Goldsbury
Kokusai Dojo,
Old 07-15-2008, 10:09 PM   #56
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Re: "Non-Aikido Martial Traditions" Forum

How soon they forget!

I kind of remember a time when you couldn't post about anything without being told about your average aikidoka's inability to deal with someone "closing the distance", how "90% of all fights go to the ground", etc. It was the previous posting rage as I recall and that was fine. I read posts by Jason Delucia, Dan Austin, Roy Dean, Kevin L, etc about MMA in many of the forums. I do not recall any of the MMA folks who combined what they learned with aikido getting their posts pulled out of a thread about aikido and put into a a category named "non-aikido". And DR aiki seems a lot closer to aikido than MMA.

Wink all you like, Dan. The problem I was suggesting was that we could have a separate forum AS WELL AS rename it to ANTHING without the phrase "non-aikido" in it - which seems like it would satify everyone.

Since I kind of notice thread names changing frequently, it really seemed like a simple request that would harm no one.

As far as my personal faux-pas regarding Jun's background. I got the impression that my thougths about what was aikido was "invalid" and I was having trouble relating to why we would be at odds having a similar background. Honestly, it didn't seem like a big stretch to me. If he wanted to be all anonymous, as the admin I would assume he could have picked a different name like "john smith" for instance. It certainly wasn't obvious that it was a taboo subject to me, but now that I know I'll do my best to respect his wishes.

And honestly, if this is not the correct place to provide feedback on the name of the forum, then I'm really confused about what this thread was for discussing.

As far as opinion polls. Since when is truth going to be "popular"?

The funny thing is I already dropped the issue with Jun and I'm just arguing with other folks for my daring to raise the issue in the first place.


Last edited by rob_liberti : 07-15-2008 at 10:16 PM.
Old 07-16-2008, 09:37 AM   #57
Dan Austin
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Re: "Non-Aikido Martial Traditions" Forum

Rob Liberti wrote: View Post
Wink all you like, Dan. The problem I was suggesting was that we could have a separate forum AS WELL AS rename it to ANTHING without the phrase "non-aikido" in it - which seems like it would satify everyone.
You're the only person who seems unsatisfied. Even Dan posted that he doesn't have an issue with it. If more people shared your view, Jun might have made a different decision, but if a single person's opinion should be the deciding factor, it should be his.

Since I kind of notice thread names changing frequently, it really seemed like a simple request that would harm no one.
Again, if he finds it making more work for him then he may come to a different decision. Apparently he prefers to move threads.

As far as my personal faux-pas regarding Jun's background. I got the impression that my thougths about what was aikido was "invalid" and I was having trouble relating to why we would be at odds having a similar background.
So if you're for Obama, he should be too? He's entitled to reserve his opinion about the true nature of Aikido, even if the light from Dan's body hasn't broken through the clouds and bathed him in a golden glow yet. You volunteered without firsthand knowledge that he just hasn't been fortunate enough to have had that transformative experience yet. That's a bit insulting. You don't know what he's done, and maybe he won't get the religion, or won't be quite as rabid about it. He has a lot of practice tolerating different viewpoints, and you're going to find that not everyone is going to convert the way you did. He will always be entitled to have a different opinion than you, and here that means you lose. Your opinion has been duly noted, and the decision rendered for now. In the future, who knows. As Dan has noted, in the future people who question whether internal skills are part of Aikido may well be in the minority, but until then there's no reason to get huffy about it. The way to spread the word is by worrying about what you do on the mat, not obsessing over how things are categorized here. As others have noted, it's enough that the discussion is even allowed.
Old 07-16-2008, 10:12 AM   #58
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Re: "Non-Aikido Martial Traditions" Forum

Hi Dan
Since we seem to agree on the matter-would you mind not referring to me? FWIW, I am by no means alone. We shouldn't lose sight of the fact that these skills are in the Asian arts. I frequently mention there are guys trained in internal methods in DR, Aikido, and the ICMA as well. That way everyone can look in multiple places and form their own opinions. I think we have seen quite enough "cult of personality" in the martial arts. If I thought I was "all that" I'd hang a shingle and be a sensei. I'm sharing on- going research with my equals on this earth. And if you want to consider rank important? These days I am mostly sharing with my betters.
I remain an advocate for the method, not the person. It's far more important for all of us to keep in mine what is right not who is right. That way everyone keeps a strong sense of themselves and their wits about them.
My Aikido V aiki...do thread was thought out long before I posted it, to respect Jun's reasonable request and to have folks talk about independent Aiki research and how it is affecting their aikido. It was my hope to keep the sources in the background and to highlight more of their training experiences. Jun was correct when certain folks decided to talk about DR to dump it into his NAMT area.
Again though, Rob is not being unreasonable with certain points. He teachers aikido in three dojos. He has determined on his own-trust me, I have zero control over that man-that this aiki is THEE aiki he has experienced in aikido and he is now incorporating and teaching it in his aikido every week. For that reason he wants to discuss it in the aikido forums. I think he and Jun have reached some clarity and understanding of how to make that happen in the Aikido sections. So It's probably a dead issue.
I am not being gratuitous when I say how thankful I am about all of this. It was a daunting task to get the message out-more so through such a flawed method; both me and my writing skills, and certain others. For Jun to come up with a way to try and make everyone happy was quite a task on his end.
Has anyone considered all the complaints and hate mail he got wanting all this banned? I think we all need to really consider the larger picture (yes both sides) and the rather glaringly obvious positve position he took (I've P.M'd him and was surprised) and what Jun had to deal with in making such a decision?.
I'll settle with a place to talk about it outside of aikido, and the burgeoning success of my other goal-to now begin talking about its use in aikido from those training and teaching Aikido.
Again, thank you Jun.
And Dan, thanks for your patience, I'm trying to improve my method of communicating..

Last edited by DH : 07-16-2008 at 10:18 AM.
Old 07-16-2008, 10:20 AM   #59
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Re: "Non-Aikido Martial Traditions" Forum

Dan Austin wrote: View Post
You volunteered without firsthand knowledge that he just hasn't been fortunate enough to have had that transformative experience yet.
That's just not true to my knowledge. My best guess (assuming you are not simply mistaken about who said what or a liar) is that the meaning of something I wrote was greatly misunderstood from what I intended to say. Please provide the cite on that one.

Okay now to address you concerns:
1) I should be thankful my opinions in a feedback forum are tolerated. I am. The fact that there is a feedback forum about the subject I wanted to discuss gave me the idea that posting about it was ENCOURAGED.

2) I am the only one dissatisfied. Okay. Well, what if say 10 other people are also dissatisfied and they all use the logic that since no one has posted about this yet they must be the only 1 so it's not worth trying. In fact, Mark Murray posted about it. He was 1. I saw the thread and posted about it too. That makes 2. MAYBE just maybe a bunch of other people were going to post in as well. I can't know that at the time! Maybe just 1 or 2 people is enough to encourage Jun to think "well changing the name wouldn't be to difficult, seems like a reasonable enough request" or not. Can't know if you don't try.

3) the silly analogy. Okay fine. I didn't say that Jun and I worked for the same political election commitees! If we did, and we were out of synch with 'what was what' I would be concerned - yes...

And stop calling me huffy. I'm getting huffy about THAT!

Old 07-16-2008, 09:40 PM   #60
Dan Austin
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Re: "Non-Aikido Martial Traditions" Forum

Rob Liberti wrote: View Post
That's just not true to my knowledge. My best guess (assuming you are not simply mistaken about who said what or a liar) is that the meaning of something I wrote was greatly misunderstood from what I intended to say. Please provide the cite on that one.
My mistake, that was a post by Mark Murray.

Your posts just sounded very arrogant, but I think you've been ribbed enough.
Old 07-16-2008, 10:50 PM   #61
jennifer paige smith
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Re: "Non-Aikido Martial Traditions" Forum

Dan Austin wrote: View Post
My mistake, that was a post by Mark Murray.

Your posts just sounded very arrogant, but I think you've been ribbed enough.
Just don't call him 'Huffy'.

Jennifer Paige Smith
Confluence Aikido Systems
Old 07-17-2008, 12:13 AM   #62
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Re: "Non-Aikido Martial Traditions" Forum

Exactly! You so get me...

Thanks for the support. -Rob
Old 07-30-2009, 10:30 AM   #63
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Re: "Non-Aikido Martial Traditions" Forum

Hi folks,

I wanted to take a minute to clarify some things regarding the Non-Aikido Martial Traditions forum in light of my reading comments such as:

Michael Douglas wrote: View Post
That's not ironic, it is simply because Jun banned discussions of 'IT' from the aikido subforums a long time ago. Without that incredible restriction lots of 'IT' threads would be in the General, or Techniques, or Spiritual sub-forums since many aikidoka believe such discussions are extremely pertinent to aikido itself and would have started such threads there, given the opportunity.
To clarify, I have never "banned" discussions of internal training methods from the aikido forums. Such discussions, just like any other discussion, are welcome in the aikido forums, provided that the discussions place their focus within the milieu of the martial art of aikido. In fact, I will just say that I feel that I have been very open about what topics can be discussed here on AikiWeb -- provided that they are in what I consider to be the appropriate section of the forums and adhere to the forum rules of conducting oneself with respect while contributing positively to the discussion.

Please understand, folks, that all I am trying to do is keep this website's focus on the art of aikido in the clearest and simplest way that I feel able; and, no matter how carefully I may try to draw the lines (delineating subject matter, in this instance), I know that a number of people will feel offended or disrespected as the lines I draw may not correspond to theirs. I truly hope that people do not take this to be demeaning of their personal experience nor thoughts.

Lastly, I will say that "pertinency," I believe, is a tricky topic -- almost a can of worms in my mind. I'm sure we can all agree that just because something is pertinent to a subject does not make that something into that subject; in other words, just because people believe that a certain topic is pertinent to aikido doesn't make that topic aikido. If a discussion focuses around a certain topic that is only "pertinent" to aikido but does not, for instance, explicitly discuss its relationship to aikido, then I ask that it be discussed in the Non-Aikido Martial Traditions forum (if said topic is about a martial art) or in the Open Discussion forum.

Thank you,

-- Jun

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Old 07-30-2009, 12:46 PM   #64
Ron Tisdale
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Re: "Non-Aikido Martial Traditions" Forum

Hi Jun,

Just wanted to take a moment to thank you again for all your hard work and the simple fact that you enable ALL of the conversations. You show MUCH more patience than I ever would.


Ron Tisdale
"The higher a monkey climbs, the more you see of his behind."
St. Bonaventure (ca. 1221-1274)
Old 07-30-2009, 01:09 PM   #65
Fred Little
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Re: "Non-Aikido Martial Traditions" Forum

Ron Tisdale wrote: View Post
Hi Jun,

Just wanted to take a moment to thank you again for all your hard work and the simple fact that you enable ALL of the conversations. You show MUCH more patience than I ever would.

What Ron said.



Old 07-30-2009, 02:28 PM   #66
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Re: "Non-Aikido Martial Traditions" Forum

Thanks, Ron and Fred, for your thoughts and support.


-- Jun

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Old 07-30-2009, 03:36 PM   #67
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Re: "Non-Aikido Martial Traditions" Forum

While we don't always agree, Jun, I still very much appreciate what you do, and have done, here at Aikiweb.

Old 07-30-2009, 03:48 PM   #68
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Re: "Non-Aikido Martial Traditions" Forum

Thanks, Mark. I appreciate your thoughts and your participation here on AikiWeb.


-- Jun

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Old 05-08-2011, 08:31 PM   #69
oisin bourke
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Re: "Non-Aikido Martial Traditions" Forum

There is a preponderance of seminar announcements on the NAMT
forum. Perhaps you should set up a seperate seminar announcements forum in order to keep the NAMT discussion-based? This could also make it easier to follow seminar information/updates etc.
Old 06-18-2011, 05:00 AM   #70
Hanna B
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Re: "Non-Aikido Martial Traditions" Forum

Jun Akiyama wrote: View Post
Dear AikiWeb Members,

I have just created a new Non-Aikido Martial Traditions forum in the AikiWeb Forums.

Please direct all discussions on martial traditions not specifically regarding aikido into this forum. This includes topics based on "aiki" concepts rooted outside of aikido proper, discussions which rely upon non-aikido jargon, and threads otherwise focusing on non-aikido martial traditions. Both the explicit content as well as the implicit intent of each topic will be considered.

I ask for your cooperation in moving and starting discussions of these kinds to the Non-Aikido Martial Traditions forum from now on; please respect these wishes as a part of your responsibiliy in participating in the AikiWeb community.

Thank you,

-- Jun
Has this really worked? It seems to me it hasn't. There's non-aikido jorgon (IP, IT, IHTBF, jin, etc) all over the place. Probably most people how discuss these things feel they are doing it in aikido context, and so they feel the discussions don't belong in a "Non-Aikido Martial Traditions" forum.

I think Aikiweb needs a sforum called "Internal training in aikido", or something similar. It would make the structure more clear. I do think we could ask of the forumites to avoid IT/IP-jargon (including the beforementioned abbreviations without an explanation) outside of that forum.

It's not that I can't understand the enthusiasm. I have trained a seminar with Okamoto sensei of the Roppokai in... 2002, I think, well before this "putting aiki back into aikido" trend began. I trained with aikido teachers who regularly train with Okamoto sensei. We did some cool stuff, doing ikkyo so it didn't felt like a technique - you just went down without knowing why in a way, it is this "inner strenght/aiki"-trend that brought me back to Aikiweb, after a couple of years near abscense.

But I think we should understand that there are plenty of people who don't see any need to "put aiki back in aikido". And I don't think we should assume that those who think they see such a need "have seen the light" and we should wait for the rest to do the same. Assuming that those not intersted just don't get it because they haven't felt it (yet) is a bit arrogant, really. It's the same kind of arrogance that makes newly born-again Christians so irritating to all others than their peers.

When this web board was created, internal training in aikido wasn't a subject very likely to be discussed - it certainly wasn't big enough a topic to warrant a specific forum for it. Today I think it is. My hope is that this way we can meet the interest both of those very interested in discussing internal training, and those who want to discuss aikido without their threads about for instance aikido techniques getting "hijacked" and converted into discussions on internal training, and filled with uncomprehensible acronyms. (I have read HIPS - Ellis Amdur's Hidden in Plain Sight. It was a good read. I still ponder on some things in it, and I'll probably reread it sooner or later. But I don't think we should expect of everyone on this forum, in every kind of thread, to know that HIPS is. In a forum for internal training - yes, perhaps. But not on the forums as a whole.)

This is my first suggestion. I have a second one, which is more far-reaching.

If Jun wants this place to be about aikido in general, I think it is time to rename it to, for instance, Aikidoweb. The way things have evolved, with "aiki" often being treated like the correspondent term to the results of internal training in Chinese martial arts, the name Aikiweb is kind of an invitation to those interested in internal training in general. The name Aikiweb has become ambiguous. A name change to Aikidoweb plus a specific forum named "Internal training" or something similar would hopefully make the aikido identity of this website more clear, while creating a well-defined space for those very interested in the subject of internal training and making the discussions on that subject easier to find for the interested reader and forumites.
Old 06-18-2011, 08:01 AM   #71
Nicholas Eschenbruch
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Re: "Non-Aikido Martial Traditions" Forum

Hi Hannah,

I think your idea is good and merits some broad discussion. As much as I myself like "IS" and its proponent, and do my best to practice, I think there can be a weird tendency to delegitimate any other aikido through IS discussions. I also find there sometimes is a sort of unholy alliance between the "aikido is for fighting" and the "aikido is about IS" that can turn into a sort of fundamentalism of sorts ("if we just (re)turned to IS we could make this an ass-kicking fighting art again and get rid of all the other stuff").... now again, I can very much sympathise with the first part of that point of view, but I think aikido has developed into lots of things that are as legitimate - and beautiful and worth practising on their own.

So yes, I would be interested in hearing hat others think about your proposals.

(Jun, maybe this should be moved to "Feedback" so it is seen by more people?)
Old 06-18-2011, 04:20 PM   #72
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Re: "Non-Aikido Martial Traditions" Forum

Hanna makes a good point about the URL name of 'Aikiweb' - Aikido certainly does not have a lock on the term Aiki, and in some people's minds, most modern Aikido practice does not even include the use of Aiki

Just a comment folks that is not meant to stir anything up, so don't anyone get their shorts twisted over it

Old 06-18-2011, 07:41 PM   #73
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Re: "Non-Aikido Martial Traditions" Forum

Hanna Björk wrote: View Post
But I think we should understand that there are plenty of people who don't see any need to "put aiki back in aikido".
The vast majority of people doing Aikido ( well over 1 million ) don't see the need to "put aiki back in Aikido" because they know that it never left Aikido.

A few, very few, well two to be exact, people outside of Aikido were overwhelming almost every thread with their self promotion and bickering to the point where many members quit visiting and posting on Aikiweb.

There was a need to isolate the non- Aikido from the Aikido.

There was an attempt to have a separate Internal Strength website by a few members of Aikiweb but I don't think it lasted very long because only a few people posted to it.

I visited it a few times but very few people were posting and I never saw Dan or Mike posting.

In the end it is Jun's website and he can do with it whatever he wants.


Go ahead, tread on me.
Old 06-18-2011, 08:05 PM   #74
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Re: "Non-Aikido Martial Traditions" Forum

Here is the post about the "Internal-Aiki" website,


the website,


and info from The Way Back Machine,


If there is enough interest from the people who post about internal strength on the "Non-Aikido Martial Traditions" Forum maybe they can start it up again.


Last edited by dps : 06-18-2011 at 08:07 PM.

Go ahead, tread on me.
Old 06-18-2011, 09:11 PM   #75
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Re: "Non-Aikido Martial Traditions" Forum

David Skaggs wrote: View Post
Here is the post about the "Internal-Aiki" website,


the website,


and info from The Way Back Machine,


If there is enough interest from the people who post about internal strength on the "Non-Aikido Martial Traditions" Forum maybe they can start it up again.

Wow, has this IS/IP/AIKI bickering been going on that long ? - looks like nothing has really changed much in all that time; which is a good thing for us older folks with the onset of Alzheimers - keeps things fresh in our minds


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