My little book,
Discovering Aikido: Principles for Practical Learning, (
link) has been out of print for maybe ten years. I already had a website that covered it but when it went out of print I regained publication rights and put it all online. Over the years I have updated and added to it. Despite Aikido seemingly losing out in popularity, it still gets lots of views. People still email me about it. For me it's never been about the $$$. Rather than writing a new book with a different focus, which I could, I'm thinking of republishing a 2.0 version that might be twice the length. It would mirror the website and more. Should I even bother, since I would probably leave the website out there? Or, most of it ... Or should I write a new one? What to do.
Thought: The book contains ideas that I started forming from when I created my first website in 1994. When I think about it, most people didn't even have a computer back then! That's a 30 year online presence!