If you can't see the pictures let me know.
Sometimes, people find it difficult to apply Sankyo on me. It really wont work, as a lock, unless it is applied just right. Yes, if you torque my arm as though you were doing Sankyo, it would hurt. But, it wont take my center or lock my wrist, elbow, shoulder, etc....
So, after thinking about it for a long time and working with some people, I figured out an alternative method for applying this lock. I have tried it on pretty much everybody I've trained with, and it seems to be quite effective and it can be very painful as well (but, doesn't have to be).
It feels like a mix of Sankyo, Nikyo, and Kote Hineri.
There is also specific, variable footwork involved as well as specific motions for Nage's arm. However I wont touch upon those unless I get enough interest in this first part.
Every motion is LARGE, specific, and in short stages/sections in order to understand the physiokinetics of the lock. At more advanced levels it all blends together into one SMALL, fluid motion. So, keep this in mind.
Really, there are only three axis being utilized (maybe four, if you take Uke's centerline into account...and maybe five if you take Nage's into account).
YELLOW: Axis of rotation about a single point (a physical movement in space around a center).
RED: A vector describing a direction of pressure (NOT A PHYSICAL MOVEMENT).
I used my girlfriend (Thanks babe!) as a model, I didn't actually apply the lock on her. If I had a few martial artists around, I would have used them so you could actually see the lock applied using an Uke and Nage. But, for now, this will do.
Note: I am not responsible for anybody hurting themselves or others using this informaiton. It is for educational purposes only.
The lock works via the principles of sequential locking and indirect/secondary pressure. There are many others at work as well, but I wont toch upon those just yet.
Figure 1:
This is why I say it is similar to Nikyo. The axis of rotation is the same, only the wrist is bent the opposite direction. Note that the alignment of the forearm and upper arm is the same as Nikyo as well. This first step will bend Uke's knees and, depending on how you apply pressure, will either bend Uke forward or backward. It is important that you do not move Uke's arm in space...only AROUND a given axis, shown as the yellow dotted line.
Figure 2:
I forgot to mention this: Note that Uke's hand is directly over her centerline at all times. It is not out to the side.
Make sure to keep pressure constant and to keep applying it as in figure 1. This is shown by the red vectors. But, do not physically move Uke in space. Pressure is now added to Uke's palm/fingers in the direction of her shoulder. Again, do not physically move her.
An axis is made by connecting the base of Uke's wrist and her shoulder. Using pressure in your hand by grabbing via the pad of your palm and first joint of your fingers, Rotate Uke's elbow around this axis. This will arc her elbow up and toward her opposite shoulder. This will also turn her body away from you slightly and hunch her back slightly. It will also prevent her from extending her other arm to strike. This is called cross-extension parallysis.
Also, the grip Nage uses is similar to one a hockey or lacross player uses to hold the stick. I call it the talky-hands. Make a hand puppet...it's like that.
Uke's hand will come off of centerline slightly, but it should be pinned to your own chest, on your centerline at this point.
I know it's confusing without pictures of it actually applied. Sorry.
Figure 3:
The previous pressure is not released, nor is it intensified.
All you have to do, really, is rotate around your own centerline (axis drawn from the top of your head down to your feet). Usually I will do this by rotating in the diretction of Uke's armpit. No force is neccessary. Just turn your body with Uke's hand pinned to your own chest and the rest of the lock will take care of itself.
Sometimes, I will strike the floating ribbs or some other target while simultaneously doing this.
I do not apply any upward pressure or corkscrewing motions. This only moves Uke's arm up and down and does nothing to her.
This will also apply pressure to uke's shoulder. So, be careful. Now, directing pressure, as in the first two figures, will also direct Uke. It is easy to get her up on her tippy-toes (as in Aikiage) or throw her to the ground (as in Aikisage) However, it isn't really Aiki, in the traditional sense.
Although, it wouldn't take very much to apply it in such a way, as in Daito-Ryu.
At advanced levels, you can use your center and your hips to initiate the movents. At beginning levels I use indirect (or secondary) pressure from my elbow/shoulder to create the pressure. I do not use torquing movents or twisting motions to do so. This is a common mistake.
Sorry if this was confusing or too wordy.
Any thoughts? I am by no means a master or qualified to teach, so do what you will.