A new review has been posted in the AikiWeb
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Video Title:
Supplemental Training Methods for Aikido Vol. 1 & 2
Video Author: Bryner, Robert
Review author:
Geoffrey Knox
Rating given: 5 (out of 5)
Supplemental training methods for Aikido Vol. I is an excellent tool for training perception, reaction, and addaptation to ever changing situations. Each excercise demonstrated is meticulously broken down to the basic movements and gradually gains momentum to full speed. The various methods of attacks have been expanded, including hook punch, uppercut, etc. The hour long video contains excellent aikidoists, descriptions of each excercise, and well choreographed demonstrations that follow through the excercises to inumerable projections and immobilizations. I personally have watched the entire video at least seven times in the six months I have owned it, and still see intricacies and finesse that force me to rewind a few times to soak in the exchange of techniques. I look foreward to the day Vol. II shows up in my mail box!