Re: Is Aikiweb still relevant?
How long to develop IP! It is a definite 'your milage may vary' answer.
The most encouraging thing that I got from Dan on this issue was that I did not have to get his ability, that if I could get 10% of what he has it would be useful, and enhance my art.
It does take a long time, you are changing your body. It is more an issue of daily practice to condition than any kind of just intensive workout with a 'breakthrough'.
I practiced for 3 years before Dan told me to start teaching, which I was reluctant to do, but listened to him. My students could feel the fdifference when I was 'on' vs. just doing normal physical technique. I threw them further, but it felt very different to them.
That said, as you start to practice your partner should be able to feel IP in your body right away. I did at Dan's seminar, my only exposure to IP. Part of the practice is partnered practice where it is very easy to feel the difference between force and doing I.P. But it takes time to develop it in your body enough that you can then insert into technique. it is a long term study. My students are doing it sooner than I did because I can show them where to use certain 'tactics'.
The people in history who developed this all had one valuable asset.....time. They were wealthy, or dirt poor - the monks. Both had the time to practice.
But on the other side it is what has made martial arts lessons. So far, worth the ride.