Mat Cover for General Use Gymnasium?
Here's hoping the collective mind can generate a solution to the following problem:
Over the past several years, the NJIT Aikido Club has managed to put together enough mats to make up a 30' x 30' training space and the last batch of mats and an expanded frame made of 2 x 4 lumber to hold them in place is scheduled to be installed this summer, between school years. We're very happy about this.
However, there are complications (aren't there always?). Our training area is in a general use portion of the gymnasium, not a dedicated room, so there is a certainty that the same area is going to be used for stretching, AFROTC calisthenics, break dancing, cheerleader practice, and the occasional knucklehead who lifts weights that are well beyond his capacity to control, and all of these activities will be pursued by individuals wearing shoes that are far from dojo-standard clean.
At present, our mats (a mixed lot of Swains, Zebras, and Champions) are covered between our practices by a canvas cover and a pair of unspeakably vile and degraded wrestling mats (thus, the canvas cover). When it's time for us to practice, we roll up the wrestling mats and remove the cover, and put it back down when we're done, which has preserved our mats thus far. Did I mention that the wrestling mats are unspeakably vile and degraded?
The Director of Athletics has informed us that the wrestling mats must go. That's fine with us as long as they're replaced with a one, two, or three piece cover that:
a) can be removed for practice
b) can be locked down between our practices
c) has both top and bottom surfaces that are non-permeable
d) is somewhat lighter than the present wrestling mats
Ideally, it will also be possible to put a university logo at the center of the mat cover.
There are a great many purveyors and products out there and I'd love to hear from people who have suggestions and experience we can apply here at NJIT.
Thanks in advance for taking the time to read this far. Your input is welcomed!
Fred Little