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Old 08-11-2004, 07:04 PM   #1
L. Camejo
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Exclamation Aikido in the International World Games

Hey Folks,

I was recently browsing the US Jujutsu Federation Website and found a link to the International World Games. I checked out the link to get a feel for the rules of Jujutsu tournaments, only to find Aikido in the listing here .

It appears that there is Aikido "competition" at some level at the World Games. So I was wondering if anyone else knew about these games and what actually goes on at these Aikido events. My guess is that it takes the form of Enbu or demonstration.

This is very interesting though, because the official IWGA member that represents Aikido is the International Aikido Federation, members of which, must be recognised by the Aikikai hombu. This can be found on this site - http://www.aikido-international.org/ - under "International Recognition". Which is interesting since Aikikai is not usually identified as "Sport Aikido."

If Aikido is already there, maybe the J.A.A. could become a member of the IWGA, allowing Tomiki's tanto shiai system to also be incorporated at some level (yeah right ). It's interesting though that the Aikikai Hombu has chosen to use the medium of an international sporting event to aid in spreading its popularity - given its whole "official" posture on "competition" and all .

What are your thoughts?


--Mushin Mugamae - No Mind No Posture. He who is possessed by nothing possesses everything.--
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Old 08-11-2004, 07:32 PM   #2
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Re: Aikido in the International World Games

Nothing new Larry - I've said for years that all major styles of Aikido have competition. Some are just less coy about it.

Peter Rehse Shodokan Aikido
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Old 08-11-2004, 07:50 PM   #3
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Re: Aikido in the International World Games

I'm sorry if I sound naive , but whats the point of having Moriteru Ueshiba be the head of two different organizations , and have a number of other respected shihans also occuping the same offices on these two?



"Perfection is a Process"
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Old 08-12-2004, 09:02 AM   #4
L. Camejo
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Re: Aikido in the International World Games

Hey Peter,

I see your point, it makes perfect sense to me.

It's interesting though, because in making that move, the Aikikai has effectively blocked any other styles who may wish to participate at the World Games in Aikido by affiliating the IAF with the IWGA as the "representative association for Aikido." In essence it's saying that only Aikido recognised by Aikikai Hombu is allowed to enter the World Games. It also allows them to set the standard for what the participation level and events may be. As such, many who don't know better may believe that Kata Demonstration is the only form of Aikido competition recognised at an international level.

I guess the idea peeves me a little bit because when I read the rules for joining the IWGA, I don't think the IAF or Aikikai Honbu actually meet the requirements. Below is text taken directly from that document found at this link - :

Requirements for being eligible.
2.1.1.Each Member Federation, in order to be eligible for inclusion in the World Games programme, must guarantee to organise an elite competition which is reserved for invited competitors of the highest standard only.

Pursuant to Article 5 of the Constitution Member Federations, in order that sports or disciplines of
sports under their control may be eligible for participation, must produce documented evidence:
· that they effectively control such sports or disciplines of sports world-wide and
· that these sports disciplines are being practised in a competitive way in at least three (3) of the world's

· that they have organised at least three (3) World Championships or comparable events for the sports disciplines

2.1.3. In addition, the nature of the sports or disciplines of sports of the concerned shall meet the following
eligibility criteria:
· the sport is competitive and the results of the competition are measurable;
· the sport does not depend directly and/or only on non-human energy for the performances of the participants;
· the competition in the sport is not of necessity organised in separate age groups;
· the sport does not depend on the availability of ice and/or snow for its competitions.
Furthermore, sports or disciplines of sports to be admitted for the first time, should not show characteristics which
are very similar to those of sports or disciplines of sports already on the sports programme.
This is why I'm asking if anyone knows more about this, as to me it feels like a little bit of misrepresentation is going on here and I would not like to jumop to misinformed conclusions. Imho the J.A.A. has a much more structured and proven record in this sport area and have held many international competitive events successfully in at least 2 continents that I know of, three if we include the JAA/USA.

Otto: To answer your question in a word: Politics. In my understanding the Yoshinkan has the IYAF, which is pretty much the same organisation as what is in Japan, it covers everyone in Yoshinkan. In Tomiki/Shodokan we have the J.A.A. which has global influence through the T.A.I.N. (Tomiki Aikido International Network). I don't get why the Aikikai and IAF need to be separate organisations that cover effectively the same thing. Of course they do claim to "ensure that the
federation does not deviate from the ‘way' of aikido, as taught by the Founder, Morihei Ueshiba" - so I guess it's a means of keeping a technical standard that is reflective of that being taught at Aikikai Hombu at all times. Of course, others are able to do this without necessitating multiple organisations. It's an interesting political concept.

Anyways, anyone with info and the above, please chime in.


--Mushin Mugamae - No Mind No Posture. He who is possessed by nothing possesses everything.--
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Old 08-12-2004, 09:13 AM   #5
Dojo: Ren Shin Kan
Location: Birmingham
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 362
United Kingdom
Re: Aikido in the International World Games

As I understand it the separation of the two organisations allows a certain amount of flexibility for Aikido associations.

For example my association is a member of the Aikikia Foundation (i.e. Hombu Dojo) but not the International Aikido Federation, as the other Aikikia recognised body is. Under IAF statutes only one association per country is recognised by the IAF, but the Aikikai recognise any number according to their own discretion.

From memory the Aikikia received an invitation to demonstrate at the World Games some time in the 1980's and I remeber there was a lot of opposition to accepting it at the time. I think it waqs eventually accepted simply to publicise Aikido, and the Aikikai is an associate member of the GAISF who run the World Games.

As I say the details might not be entirely accurate but I think the gist is about right.

As ever I'm sure someone knows the story in its entirety.
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