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01-10-2016, 10:58 PM
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 2,415
Re: How do i know when i can feel KI?
Christian Brownlow wrote:
hey guys ive practicing aikido for a short while of 6 months and ive read up about this amazing power and im new to all this and wondering what KI actually feels like when one eventually becomes aware of it
Use a Ki Meter:
01-11-2016, 05:15 AM
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Re: How do i know when i can feel KI?
John Hillson wrote:
The understanding I offered is common sense, scientifically valid, and very useful for health and martial training. When I teach I am able to correct structure, or I can correct a poor understanding or offer an image to facilitate the understanding. I can correct mental mistakes or physical ones. ...
Ron Ragusa wrote:
A common theme is that Ki is a result of proper integration of body and mind that produces performance in diverse activities, ...
Thank you both for your explanations!
01-13-2016, 11:46 PM
Dojo: Hildesheimer Aikido Verein
Location: Hildesheim
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 932
Re: How do i know when i can feel KI?
In which way does the understanding of Ki as "(body-)structure ... and internal intention/imagery" and/or
"a result of proper integration of body and mind" to the Daoist understanding of qi that can be found in arts like qi gong e.g.?
When I practice qi gong I work out my energy body, i.e. I work with meridians, rotate my seika tanden (dantian), lead qi using intent ... Things like that.
To me "body structure", "internal intention", "integration of body and mind" are indeed indispensable presuppositions, but nevertheless they are tools to work with qi.
As far as I know the Daoist understanding - which I think is the foundation of Ueshiba's thinking and practice - knows three bodies of man: physical body - jing, energy body - qi/ki and spiritual body - shen/shin.
ki shin tai ichi. It is not only shin tai ichi.
So I understand you both say: body/structure + (i.e. proper integration with ) mind/intention produces Ki.
How does this relate to body + qi + mind produces ... maybe ... "performance in diverse activities"?
01-14-2016, 09:59 AM
Location: Kawasaki, Kanagawa
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 1,278
Re: How do i know when i can feel KI?
Ki is a vital energy that suffuses the universe. It has a fluid, semi-corporeal nature and is stored in the bodies of living things. It is meant to circulate within and without our bodies, though we are essentially born with an amount of it that diminishes inevitably as we age. It has a changing nature, cycling though metal, earth, wood, fire, and water in a complex rhythm. It can congeal and go stale, which can cause disease; proper training and mediation via healer can help keep it clean and pure.
This is all a load of hooey, of course, with no basis in physics or any other type of science. In order to feel it, therefore, one must find a way to hypnotize oneself into believing in it, and reinforce that hypnosis with repeated training. Over time a practitioner can come to believe in ki so firmly that it may seem to be present everywhere. Care must be taken to ensure that one is able to continue to interact with objective reality in a healthful manner.
I'm not exactly knocking it - I think developing a belief in ki may develop one's ability to perceive real things as well, such as a person's intention to attack, the correct moment to move, or whether a move is a feint or a committed attack. I got a massage a couple years ago from somebody who didn't practice martial arts, towards the end of the session she asked me if she could try some reiki. She just touched me and I definitely felt her ki...it was interesting that, despite developing a sense of this mystical energy that does not actually exist in one environment - the Aikido dojo where everyone is practicing techniques - that "sense" was triggered by an entirely separate thing in this other environment. (FWIW no this is not a happy ending joke.)
01-14-2016, 11:22 AM
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Re: How do i know when i can feel KI?
01-14-2016, 09:00 PM
Dojo: Open Sky Aikikai
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Posts: 430
Re: How do i know when i can feel KI?
Carsten Möllering wrote:
In which way does the understanding of Ki as "(body-)structure ... and internal intention/imagery" and/or
"a result of proper integration of body and mind" to the Daoist understanding of qi that can be found in arts like qi gong e.g.?
When I practice qi gong I work out my energy body, i.e. I work with meridians, rotate my seika tanden (dantian), lead qi using intent ... Things like that.
To me "body structure", "internal intention", "integration of body and mind" are indeed indispensable presuppositions, but nevertheless they are tools to work with qi.
As far as I know the Daoist understanding - which I think is the foundation of Ueshiba's thinking and practice - knows three bodies of man: physical body - jing, energy body - qi/ki and spiritual body - shen/shin.
ki shin tai ichi. It is not only shin tai ichi.
So I understand you both say: body/structure + (i.e. proper integration with ) mind/intention produces Ki.
How does this relate to body + qi + mind produces ... maybe ... "performance in diverse activities"?
The OP wants to know how to feel Ki. You're getting a little further into a discussion of what Ki is, and I think that is a much harder conversation. I am not knowledgeable regarding Daoism and the founder's preferred branch of Shinto and what they share in doctrine.
01-14-2016, 09:56 PM
Dojo: Berkshire Hills Aikido
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Re: How do i know when i can feel KI?
Carsten Möllering wrote:
In which way does the understanding of Ki as "(body-)structure ... and internal intention/imagery" and/or
"a result of proper integration of body and mind" to the Daoist understanding of qi that can be found in arts like qi gong e.g.?
When I practice qi gong I work out my energy body, i.e. I work with meridians, rotate my seika tanden (dantian), lead qi using intent ... Things like that.
To me "body structure", "internal intention", "integration of body and mind" are indeed indispensable presuppositions, but nevertheless they are tools to work with qi.
When I use the word Ki I'm thinking of it in terms of an end product rather than a raw material. Ueshiba wrote of the necessity to be able to sport freely in the hidden, divine and manifest realms. My idea of Ki as an end state grew out of that observation. I worked it up into the diagram below. I have found that the metaphor of integrating the processes of Ueshiba's three realms leads to their realizations. And the end product is what I refer to as Ki.
Aikido is my way of unifying three seemingly disparate realms, their processes and realizations; first within myself and then with my uke(s), to enable me to find my most dependable, strongest state.
01-15-2016, 07:07 AM
Dojo: Aikido South
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Re: How do i know when i can feel KI?
Fullness. When I am working with someone who I feel has the goods, I feel like contacting a firm rubber ball that is more massive that I [am]. Partly, I think this is where some of the analogy of pushing someone with ki is like pushing against the Earth. It's not, but I could understand that perspective. There's a connected pressure that gives a feeling of pushing against a mass, not a part.
When working out with someone who I feel has the goods, aiki is a feeling of pushing against the mass while it is in motion, giving me no direct line of firm contact. This is wholly different than "moving" a part out of the way or evading contact.
Jon Reading
01-15-2016, 08:01 AM
Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 206
Re: How do i know when i can feel KI?
How do you know when you can feel something that only exists as a meme?
Can you even imagine feeling a meme?
What a riddle.
01-15-2016, 09:06 AM
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 2,415
Re: How do i know when i can feel KI?
Christian Brownlow wrote:
hey guys ive practicing aikido for a short while of 6 months and ive read up about this amazing power and im new to all this and wondering what KI actually feels like when one eventually becomes aware of it
When there is no conscious thought and you feel no effort.
You become aware of it after it has happened, an "ah ah" moment.
Last edited by dps : 01-15-2016 at 09:09 AM.
01-15-2016, 11:43 AM
Location: San Diego CA USA
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 561
Re: How do i know when i can feel KI?
I agree with Jon regarding the most obvious sensation when feeling someone else who "uses their ki" well.
As for oneself-- even before you train it to be useful, you can feel what it is. This is my paraphrase of the coffee-cup demonstration:
Sit relaxed in a chair. Pretend a cup of your favorite beverage is on a table near you. Go ahead and get the cup for a drink... but wait, just before you actually move, abort the process. So you were JUST about to move and you stopped. You manifested the intent without the action. Well, either you can feel something when you do this or not... if so, that is ki and if not, one of us is doing something wrong!
Also, others like Saotome sensei point out that ki underlies all life processes so if you are not dead you've already felt ki.
01-15-2016, 11:51 AM
Location: San Diego CA USA
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 561
Re: How do i know when i can feel KI?
Carsten Möllering wrote:
As far as I know the Daoist understanding - which I think is the foundation of Ueshiba's thinking and practice - knows three bodies of man: physical body - jing, energy body - qi/ki and spiritual body - shen/shin.
Jing[精]/Qi[氣]/Shen[神] are called the "three treasures[三寶]". (Of course not to be confused with Jin[勁]/Qi[氣]/Yi[意]!) I know they figure prominently in some ways of thinking. But Carsten, are there specific quotes or references in Ueshiba's writings that make you think he thought in these terms?
My understanding is that the core of Chinese philosophy, shared by everything including acupuncture, martial arts, feng shui, and traditional government, is yin/yang theory. However, concepts like the three treasures are not part of that core but rather represent some later elaboration. Meaning they are the specific teachings of certain schools of thought. The singular term "Daoism" gets applied post-hoc to this diversity of thought and muddies my understanding.
My evidence: the oldest texts (including oracle bones) show the idea of yin/yang theory. The Yi Jing [易經] for example does not mention jing/qi/shen, but its trigrams directly represent cycles of change using yin/yang terminology. Later, texts like the Dao De Jing were composed. Still, there are no jing/qi/shen treasures. (In fact the term 三寶 is actually used, to refer to something totally different! So, jing/qi/shen must not have been a popular idea at that time...) However, the concept of qi has started to emerge by this time-- though a different, archaic character [炁] was used (also? instead? I don't know). Only in even later texts do people talk about jing/qi/shen. So, is this idea really as fundamental as many suggest?
The things Ueshiba talked about, like ichirei-shikon-sangen-hachiriki, kotodama, the three worlds becoming one, ame no ukihashi, kon/paku[魂/魄] interaction, combination of love and light, attraction force, and most of all, misogi, don't to me sound obviously like the three treasures. Obviously the number 3 is there but the three treasures as you have explained before are really specific in that one produces the other. In fact, Ueshiba's Japanese Omoto point of view clearly considers 神 to be something that comes from the spiritual world, not something generated by the body, right? It just seems pretty different. And misogi, which seems to me to be Ueshiba's main schema for how the process of aikido works, seems to be more a removal of impurities that impair/impede/obstruct, rather than a transmuting of essence to spirit. Would love to read your take on this.
01-15-2016, 06:17 PM
Dojo: Hiroshima Kokusai Dojo
Location: Hiroshima, Japan
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 2,308
Re: How do i know when i can feel KI?
Jonathan Wong wrote:
I agree with Jon regarding the most obvious sensation when feeling someone else who "uses their ki" well.
As for oneself-- even before you train it to be useful, you can feel what it is. This is my paraphrase of the coffee-cup demonstration:
Sit relaxed in a chair. Pretend a cup of your favorite beverage is on a table near you. Go ahead and get the cup for a drink... but wait, just before you actually move, abort the process. So you were JUST about to move and you stopped. You manifested the intent without the action. Well, either you can feel something when you do this or not... if so, that is ki and if not, one of us is doing something wrong!
Also, others like Saotome sensei point out that ki underlies all life processes so if you are not dead you've already felt ki.
A question. Is pretending that the cup is on the table any different from actually reaching out for a real cup on the table next to you -- and then not doing so at the last moment? At my age, I am sometimes forgetful and initiate intentional actions, but then do not immediately do it because something else has arisen between the 'intention' and the resulting action. Which leads me to believe that there is something wrong with the original analysis.
By the way, much ink has been expended on the problem of the 'gap' between so-called intention and action. The problem first arose in connection with the ethical theories of Socrates and there are some parallels here with the Wang Yang-ming theories of the connection between intuition and action.
Best wishes,
P A Goldsbury
Kokusai Dojo,
01-15-2016, 07:04 PM
Location: San Diego CA USA
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Posts: 561
Re: How do i know when i can feel KI?
Peter A Goldsbury wrote:
A question. Is pretending that the cup is on the table any different from actually reaching out for a real cup on the table next to you -- and then not doing so at the last moment?
Hi professor, I cannot imagine how a fictional and real cup could be any different at all. Except in my experience a real one is much more enjoyable, as long as you don't abort all the reaches!
To be clear though, I am talking about an interruption within the reaching motor behavior, not an interruption between the "desire" or plan to reach and the reach itself. In other words, first there is the desire/plan/idea to execute the reach, second is a certain something (lets call it 意) that leads the reach itself, then after that is movement. Interruption must be b/w the 2nd and 3rd rather than 1st and 2nd steps.
At any rate such discussion, sans any follow-up ideas, is a little remote from martial arts, but I thought it was applicable to the OP...
01-15-2016, 08:12 PM
Dojo: Hiroshima Kokusai Dojo
Location: Hiroshima, Japan
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Re: How do i know when i can feel KI?
Bernd Lehnen wrote:
How do you know when you can feel something that only exists as a meme?
Can you even imagine feeling a meme?
What a riddle.
(I would have used 全く, but I can see why you used 全然.)
P A Goldsbury
Kokusai Dojo,
01-21-2016, 10:01 AM
Location: singapore
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Posts: 118
Re: How do i know when i can feel KI?
Firstly, one must agree that Ki isn't supernatural energy. Or supernatural in any way. O sensei, while skilled, was still human and he did not display any superhuman powers such as flight or energy blasts.
Therefore, Ki is energy in regards to the laws of physics and biology. Ki is not purely physical as it has been demonstrated that aikido does not use physical strength or brute muscular force in order to effect technique.
Under the laws of conversion of energy; Energy cannot be created or destroyed. Energy can be converted. Moves down the path of least resistance.
Since combat is based around movement, the main form of energy is kinetic and potential energy. Kinetic energy as a strike is thrown or a technique is performed,, potential energy as one gets into a stance to throw a strike or technique.
The path that energy travels is through the structure of the combatant's body as a technique is performed.
Therefore the way one can feel ki is through one's structure.
So you can feel ki when your structure is connected and properly built in relation to your Uke's structure. So when training, keep note of your own structure when you execute a technique relative to your Uke's. Where is the tension, where is the relaxation and work at releasing residual tension from your muscles. Focus on taking energy through your bones rather than your muscles, and you should feel that sensation of lightness and united coordination when you move and throw.
01-21-2016, 03:56 PM
Location: Kawasaki, Kanagawa
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Posts: 1,278
Re: How do i know when i can feel KI?
Hansel Wong wrote:
Firstly, one must agree that Ki isn't supernatural energy. Or supernatural in any way. O sensei, while skilled, was still human and he did not display any superhuman powers such as flight or energy blasts.
Therefore, Ki is energy in regards to the laws of physics and biology. Ki is not purely physical as it has been demonstrated that aikido does not use physical strength or brute muscular force in order to effect technique.
Your reasoning is circular.
1. Ki is not supernatural
2. Osensei exhibited ki
3. Osensei was not supernatural
.: Ki is not supernatural
...that's not an effective argument even if you take your assertions as axioms.
There is nothing in the universe that is non-physical. At least nothing that provably exists, or is outside of the realm of belief.
01-21-2016, 04:23 PM
Location: singapore
Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 118
Re: How do i know when i can feel KI?
Cliff Judge wrote:
Your reasoning is circular.
1. Ki is not supernatural
2. Osensei exhibited Ki
3. Osensei was not supernatural
.: Ki is not supernatural
...that's not an effective argument even if you take your assertions as axioms.
There is nothing in the universe that is non-physical. At least, nothing that probably exists, or is outside of the realm of belief.
Perhaps it would be better to say that Ki is something limited to physical expression. Or at least, restricted to the boundaries of the flesh and bone in this particular instance because O'sensei was still limited to the weaknesses of the human body, despite his skill.
01-21-2016, 11:10 PM
Location: Kawasaki, Kanagawa
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 1,278
Re: How do i know when i can feel KI?
Ms. Derbyshire presented what is IMO the best definition in this thread awhile back. It's a number of different physical things.
01-22-2016, 01:59 AM
Dojo: Itten Suginami Dojo, Nunspeet
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Re: How do i know when i can feel KI?
Many years ago I had a trained guard dog, a German Shepherd, very tough dominant alpha. One day I went into a beach bar with him, or at least tried to. Laying in the corner was an Akita Inu. For those who don't know this dog, it is often used by Japanse police and military. Anyway the dog was sleeping in the corner and literally opened one eye and looked at my dog. No growl, no other discernable (to me) movement. My dog froze and backed out of the door. Never saw him like that before or after.
Subtle body language, pheromones, doggy ki?
Having fought full contact Chinese boxing many years ago I have experienced the phenomena of visceral weakening when confronted by some opponents. Nothing has happened yet but defeat is already a reality. Your muscles weaken, your energy dissipates, your power deserts you. Fear or ki? Only visual, or something chemical in the air?
When animals leave an earthquake zone did they receive a weather update. I am not a supporter of woo woo no touch throws but there is a fine line between energy and matter and it is not always clear what we respond to in a heightened state of mind or emotion.
The fact that dogs smell the hormonal secretions of fear and respond can be tested. The strange behavior of cats around people who are afraid of them is anecdotal evidence of unseen but not necessarily nonexistent signals.
Feeling ki from others is more viable than feeling it in yourself but sometimes we need an open mind without becoming gullible.
If your temper rises withdraw your hand, if your hand rises withdraw your temper.
01-22-2016, 06:57 AM
Location: Massachusetts
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Re: How do i know when i can feel KI?
Hansel Wong wrote:
Perhaps it would be better to say that Ki is something limited to physical expression. Or at least, restricted to the boundaries of the flesh and bone in this particular instance because O'sensei was still limited to the weaknesses of the human body, despite his skill.
Well...I'm not one of them, but there are those who would disagree with you. Personally, I believe that there may exist phenomena that we can't measure (or can't measure yet), and can't see direct and obvious physical expression of, but we're on shaky ground when we assert the existence of such phenomena based on faith or belief or wishing it to be true, rather than empirical evidence. Once upon a time human beings didn't understand how the tides worked, but before long people observed that they seemed to have some relationship with the moon. At that point I'm sure many legends arose about some mystical power, a god calling to the seas, something like that. The legends correlated with observable facts, but they were not evidence-based and they were, in fact, fiction. I tend to think that if ki exists, it is much the same. It has not been measured, it currently can't be measured, and except for those who use "ki" as a catchall term to refer to various physical phenomena, the stories and assertions that seek to explain ki are like the stories about the moon god calling to the ocean. But to say that it's "something limited to physical expression", I think, we need to remember that for all practical purposes, "physical expression" is limited by our ability to detect and measure it. What we can detect and measure now is not necessarily what we will detect and measure years from now, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
01-22-2016, 09:08 AM
Dojo: Open Sky Aikikai
Location: Durham, NC
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 430
Re: How do i know when i can feel KI?
I am reminded of the history of phantom limb pain. People who were missing body parts were complaining of pain in the missing area. There was some science to support this was a psychological issue, some elderly doctors dealing with returning Vietnam veterans undoubtedly accused young veterans of being junkie drug seekers, and some people said this was proof that auras and internal energy existed, that Ki/Chi/Prana existed.
We now know you feel everything with your brain and nervous system, and cutting off a body part leaves the nerves that serve that area.
What I do respect from the alternative therapy groups is they never called the patients liars and drug seekers, or crazy. The importance of that to a patient cannot be overstated. But, what meaningful pain management therapy came out of the belief that this "proves auras exist?"
Also, Dim Mak or using energy meridians to cause a variety of conditions. I grab your arm in a few spots to cause a knock out by using my Chi or messing with your Chi. Or, as a Chinese internal arts teacher taught me, manipulate the arm vigorously and cause a whiplash injury leading to unconsciousness because your arm connects to your shoulder which connects to your neck and spinal cord.
I tend to teach with anatomy, physics, and psychology. I am open to the idea that Ki is supernatural, but I am honest with students - I cannot offer supernatural corrections that will make a difference in their lives on and off the mat. Proper structure? I do tell students all the time, no one ever taught you to stand or walk. One day, you didn't fall on your face and that became good enough.
It's a pet peeve to hear, "I don't like the energy of that" when it means, "I don't like it, I feel stupid doing it, I can't do it well, I prefer something else." Or, the hot friendly woman who has "great energy" while the less attractive and frustrating student gets "I don't like their energy." Mostly because I don't believe anything supernatural is going on.
01-22-2016, 04:55 PM
Dojo: Hiroshima Kokusai Dojo
Location: Hiroshima, Japan
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 2,308
Re: How do i know when i can feel KI?
Alec Corper wrote:
Many years ago I had a trained guard dog, a German Shepherd, very tough dominant alpha. One day I went into a beach bar with him, or at least tried to. Laying in the corner was an Akita Inu. For those who don't know this dog, it is often used by Japanse police and military. Anyway the dog was sleeping in the corner and literally opened one eye and looked at my dog. No growl, no other discernable (to me) movement. My dog froze and backed out of the door. Never saw him like that before or after.
Subtle body language, pheromones, doggy ki?
Having fought full contact Chinese boxing many years ago I have experienced the phenomena of visceral weakening when confronted by some opponents. Nothing has happened yet but defeat is already a reality. Your muscles weaken, your energy dissipates, your power deserts you. Fear or ki? Only visual, or something chemical in the air?
When animals leave an earthquake zone did they receive a weather update. I am not a supporter of woo woo no touch throws but there is a fine line between energy and matter and it is not always clear what we respond to in a heightened state of mind or emotion.
The fact that dogs smell the hormonal secretions of fear and respond can be tested. The strange behavior of cats around people who are afraid of them is anecdotal evidence of unseen but not necessarily nonexistent signals.
Feeling ki from others is more viable than feeling it in yourself but sometimes we need an open mind without becoming gullible.
Hello Alec,
Was this before Duncan?
Best wishes,
P A Goldsbury
Kokusai Dojo,
01-23-2016, 08:50 AM
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 434
Re: How do i know when i can feel KI?
John Hillson wrote:
It's a pet peeve to hear, "I don't like the energy of that" when it means, "I don't like it, I feel stupid doing it, I can't do it well, I prefer something else." Or, the hot friendly woman who has "great energy" while the less attractive and frustrating student gets "I don't like their energy." Mostly because I don't believe anything supernatural is going on.
01-23-2016, 05:03 PM
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 1,318
Re: How do i know when i can feel KI?
Hansel Wong wrote:
Under the laws of conversion of energy; Energy cannot be created or destroyed. Energy can be converted. Moves down the path of least resistance.
Since combat is based around movement, the main form of energy is kinetic and potential energy. Kinetic energy as a strike is thrown or a technique is performed,, potential energy as one gets into a stance to throw a strike or technique.
If you really want to go down this road, I think you ignore the role of gravity at your peril. Both the potential energy stored up by lifting oneself from horizontal to standing, and the kinetic energy released when one's structure is undermined and one falls down.
Last edited by kewms : 01-23-2016 at 05:07 PM.
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