Posted 2006-02-05 00:46:53 by Jorge Garcia
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Many of our Aikido friends have told us in the past that if they had known earlier when Kato Shihan was going to be in Houston, they could have made their plans to be here to train with him. This announcement is intended to give some of you that notice. We are now working on the dates for Kato Shihan's return to Houston and we know now that it will probably be in the last two weeks of September. Please make your plans accordingly and we will come out with a definite announcement on the dates as soon as possible. We are planning our best Seminar ever with a demonstration of Aikido, Seminar items for sale and special private classes during the week for those who can attend. Please check our website in the coming months for more information or feel free to contact us if you have questions. Hope to see you in Houston in September!
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