Post "User Information" Option
Hi everyone,
There is now an option to view each post in a thread differently.
One is to have people's "user information" (eg name, join date, location, dojo, etc) that shows up on each post on the left of each post. The second is to have such information show up above. Thumbnail 1 shows a sample post with the user information on the left; thumbnail 2 shows a sample post with the user information on the top.
To modify this, simply:
1) Go to your Preferences page by clicking on the "Preferences" link at the top left (Thumbnail 3).
2) Click on "Edit Options" near the middle left of the page (Thumbnail 4).
3) Scroll down to "Post User Information Location" and choose whether you would like the user information to be "On the Left" or "On Top" of each post (Thumbnail 5).
That's it!
-- Jun