Re: beginners class at Aikikai Honbu
Hi Wilfred,
The beginner`s class at the Aikikai Honbu is in the smaller dojo on the 2nd. floor. Most of the students are not yudansha, which is quite different from regular classes. The teachers actually go around and teach, correcting students` movements, whereas in regular classes, this does not happen much. The number of students is also less. In addition, Honbu has what they call Aikido school which meets two nights a week and the teachers are more actively helping students in these classes. Regular classes at Honbu are generally not real classes, they are more like training sessions. The various shihan cannot control who can attend, and they respond in various ways. Some will completely ignore everybody, while some only help their personal students. Others will help and correct everybody, while others will help those they feel are making a real effort to learn their particular style and ignore those who don`t.
Hope this helped.
Charles Hill