Y'know, whenever someone asks this question in forums, we aikido guys always try to be diplomatic and discreet, and we always say "look around see what MA suits you," or whatever. I'm not knocking or dissing anyone, as that's what I usually do too. But I feel very... ASSERTIVE today (I got up on the wrong foot or something) so I'll just flat out say it:
I practice Aikido and Ju-Jutsu and EVERYONE ELSE SHOULD TOO. These are the Arts I like BEST.
YES, I am biased, and NO, that doesn't mean that other Arts aren't just as good. It just means that Aikido and Ju-Jutsu are what YOU should practice because they are so cool.
Run, don't walk, to your nearest Aikido/ Ju-Jutsu dojo RIGHT NOW!
No thanks necessary.
[Edited by stratcat on December 7, 2000 at 08:57pm]