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Old 06-05-2005, 05:19 PM   #1
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Thoughts on Aiki Expo '05 by SeiserL

Thoughts on My Aiki Expo '05 Experience
By Lynn Seiser, Ph.D., Sandan Tenshinkai Aikido

There is almost too much to say about the Aiki Expo '05. The first and last must always be our deepest compliments and appreciation to our host, Stan Pranin Sensei, of Aikido Journal. I can think of no one else with the vision, talent, connections, respect, and courage to pull this off. Pranin Sensei is Aikido at its best, even off the Dojo mats.

I have been at both prior Aiki Expos. The first one, Aiki Expo '02, was exceptional. It was only the second time I had trained off my home Dojo mat. I was nervous to say the least. The place was packed. Yet, I held my own. I was exhausted and overwhelmed when I got home and the experience had forever changed my Aikido. Aiki Expo '03 was another great experience. I still smile when I think about them.

In weeks before the 2005 Expo, I trying to figure and refigure who I wanted to train with. Some times too many choices is like no choice at all. There was no way I was going to see everyone I wanted to, yet I know who ever I saw I could learn something from. Like a kid in a candy store, I anxiously awaited.

I arrived early Friday morning to help put down the mats. There was some apprehension about all the workshops being in the same gymnasium. However, as the mats went down, it became obvious we were in for a great time. Everyone worked well together without words. Everyone was smiling.

I started each training day in a workshop with Sensei Toby Threadgill Sensei of Shindo Yoshin-ryu. The only two things as impressive as Threadgill's technique is his knowledge and his smile. He not only enjoys showing you what he can do, but he appears to get more enjoyment out of watching you get it too. The three classes were interrelated but each focused separately on sword, knife, and hand techniques. Threadgill is a master of subtleties in musubi (connecting) and kuzushi (taking balance) while keeping uke controlled and close enough to deliver that finishing blow or cut.

I finished each day in a workshop by Sensei Dang Thong Phong. Phong Sensei is a master of momentum, sleight of hand, and continuous combinations. His workshops are short on words and explanations, perfectionist corrections, and long on working out. Nothing is more convincing than being on the receiving end of Phong Sensei's technique and smiles. I must admit a biased and humble pride for having trained under him for over a decade.

Christian Tissier, from Paris France, was highly recommended to me by two very well respected sources. Tissier Sensei is the personification of elegance in Aikido. His moves are sharp and crisp. He knows exactly what he is doing.

Hiroshi Ikeda Sensei, from Boulder Aikikai, is always a favorite of mine. I catch him as often as I can. The first time I saw Ikeda Sensei move he said, "Understand?" and I thought to myself, "Understand? I didn't even see what he did." At a recent workshop, I said that each time I see him, I see a little (okay very little) bit more. This workshop was no exception. Ikeda Sensei is a master at connecting and taking balance with his wrist. There is very little motion. It is hard to believe his technique when you observe it, but there is no doubt remaining when you experience it. The only thing as elegant as his techniques are his gentlemanly ways and his smile.

Todd Jones Sensei of American Butokukan conducted a fast-paced, high-intensity workshop. He focused on practicing Aikido off the jab, something we are told we cannot do but Jones Sensei taught us how. His sense of entering (Irimi) to bridge the distance (maia), penetrating deep inside or outside the jab, demonstrated a clear sense of technical and strategic efficiency and martial integrity. We attacked directly, indirectly, and by combinations. Jones Sensei provided a workshop that was instructions, insightful, inspirational, and outright fun.

Molly Hale Sensei did her workshop from her wheel chair and made us do our techniques from a chair. Nothing will make you more humbled or sensitive than not being able to move. Hale Sensei's "just down" will forever by a part of my Aikido.

Pranin Sensei offered two workshops of talk. This was a courageous step on his part, to place mental Aikido into a physical Aikido training format. While not many attended in comparison to the other workshops, it may address a need to directly train the mind that moves the body.

The welcome part of Friday was not well attended but extremely enjoyable by those of us there. Just sitting around on the mat talking with everyone helped connect to just how far reaching Aikido is.

The Saturday night 8th Friendship Demonstration was incredible. This is what happens when 24 highly talented individuals take 5 minutes each to show the world their unique interpretation and perspective of their art. The time just flew by. I am not sure what I saw because I was too impressed. The DVDs should be a sell out. I will order mine early.

I have attended Systema workshops before and seen some tapes, so I was sorry I could not attend this time. At first, it seemed that the Systema people were not mingling with the rest of the crowd. Then I realized they have the founder (Mikhail Ryabko) and the top instructor (Vlasimir Vasiliev) to themselves for 2 ½ days I would do the same if I were in their place. They always seem like good people who train hard. There appears to be a great bridge building between Systema and Aikido.

There were far too many workshops to comment on everyone. Katsuyuki Kondo Sensei, of Daito-ryu, is always a powerful man. His technique leaves no doubt of the power that Aikido came from. I have always appreciated his presence at the Aiki Expo. Hitihiro Saito Sensei, of Iwama Japan, was an unexpected pleasure this year. The power and precision of his weapons work was impressive and inspiring. Koji Yoshida Sensei, Nishio Aikido, always makes the connection that Aikido comes from the sword. Kenji Ushiro, Shindo-ryu Karate, always packs the mat with students and his classes with great techniques. I was glad to see that ground fighting was present and well accepted by the presence of Roger Machado, of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and Julio Toribio, of Seibukan Jujutsu. The presence of the more traditional arts of Toby Threadgill, of Shindo Yoshin-ryu, Ellis Amdur, of Araki-ryu, and James Williams, of Nami-ryu Heiho, just added greatly to the breadth and dept of the expertise and experience.

I was impressed to see so many familiar and talented southern California instructors including Henry Oshiro, of Orange County Aikikai, James Nakayama, of Chushinkan Dojo, David Dye, of Shuyokan, Dang Thong Phong, of Tenshinkai Aikido, and Haruo Matsuoka of Aikido Doshinokai. One of my all time favorite local talents is Francis Takahashi Sensei, of Temple City. His ability to connect and blend with students of all levels and instructors from all schools and countries is truly impressive. With his gentle sense of humor, he asks us all to step up to a higher standard.

The highlight of the Expo was the event itself. The visual impact of everyone training together, under different instructors, at the same place, at the same time was truly awe inspiring. There was so much quality instruction available with so many people training hard. There is no doubt in my mind that Aikido is a live and well and co-existing with other martial arts.

My only regret is not being able to train with everyone I wanted to. My only complaint is my biggest compliment.

There are several observations or suggestions I could offer. Perhaps if the Expo offered graded classes or tracts (beginners, intermediate, and advanced), maybe the Expo could attract lower belts. I hope the Expo continues to incorporate local talent along with internationally recognized figures, invite and encourage all organization's participation and attendance, include more esoteric talk topics (Omoto, Kotodama, historical O'Sensei, mental training and motivation, and conflict resolution), continue to cross-train with other styles of martial arts, and provide mat space and time for the truth. Perhaps alternating coasts as sites for the Expo would make it more convenient and affordable. I personally liked the first Expo with its 50-minute classes even through lunch provided the opportunity to see more instructors. I hope the Expo edits the seminar tapes (plural) to be instructional so we can get a glimpse of what we missed.

Sign me up for the next one. Wherever and whenever, I will be there. If I can be of any small assistance in the background, I hope I am asked. When the Expo starts, you will find me on the mats.

Pranin Sensei, once again, deepest compliments and appreciation. "Domo Arigato"

Lynn Seiser PhD
Yondan Aikido & FMA/JKD
We do not rise to the level of our expectations, but fall to the level of our training. Train well. KWATZ!
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Old 06-05-2005, 07:46 PM   #2
Joe Bowen
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Re: Thoughts on Aiki Expo '05 by SeiserL

Really nice run down of the event! Thanks a lot Lynn! Wish I could have been there....
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Old 06-05-2005, 08:20 PM   #3
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Re: Thoughts on Aiki Expo '05 by SeiserL

Joseph Bowen wrote:
Wish I could have been there....
Perhaps next time.

Lynn Seiser PhD
Yondan Aikido & FMA/JKD
We do not rise to the level of our expectations, but fall to the level of our training. Train well. KWATZ!
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Old 06-05-2005, 11:19 PM   #4
Michael Hackett
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Re: Thoughts on Aiki Expo '05 by SeiserL

I've read Seiser Sensei's report on AikiExpo '05 several times and agree wholeheartedly with his report and enthusiasm. It was a magnificent event from my perspective and worth every penny and drop of sweat. I agree with most of his constructive criticism as well, with the exception of having graded or tracted classes.

As a beginning student (4th kyu with less than two years of training) the idea of attending the Expo was somewhat intimidating to me. Thankfully one of my sempai strongly suggested that another mudansha and I attend with him as he had attended the previous events and thought it would improve our aikido and give us a chance to see a full weekend of outstanding aikido from all over the world. He was right - at least the part about seeing outstanding aikido. I had the privilege of attending classes taught by luminaries of aikido and got to receive techniques from Ikeda, Homma, Matsuoka, Kondo, and Nakiyama Sensei. It was one thing to watch them, but so much more to actual grasp their wrist and feel the technique as they were teaching it!

In addition, I had the privilege to actually train with some of the sensei there as fellow students on the mat. In particular, Ledyard Sensei helped me through a very rough spot until I could "get it". There were only a few mudansha on the mats, but I suspect they had the same experience my partner and I did. Everyone we trained with was welcoming, considerate and helpful. I can't speak from their perspective and I sincerely hope that I didn't slow my sempai down when they trained with me, but it just seemed like business as usual - we just trained together.

Perhaps if Pranin Sensei let it be known that all ranks are welcome and encouraged, it might boost the attendance of junior aikidoka. I know that I felt welcome throughout the event and gained a tremendous amount from the experience. I don't know that would have been the case with another format. Maybe my view is terribly selfish, but the Expo was so very worthwhile to me and I wouldn't change that facet of it unless the yudansha there felt lower ranking students detracted from their study and experience.

I do regret not having the chance to get thrown by Seiser Sensei - there was just so much going on throughout the weekend. Maybe one of these days soon.

"Leave the gun. Bring the cannoli."
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Old 06-06-2005, 12:08 PM   #5
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Re: Thoughts on Aiki Expo '05 by SeiserL

Michael Hackett wrote:
I've read Seiser Sensei's report on AikiExpo '05 several times and agree wholeheartedly with his report and enthusiasm.
It truly was a great experience.

One correction; I am a Sempai, not a Sensei.

Lynn Seiser PhD
Yondan Aikido & FMA/JKD
We do not rise to the level of our expectations, but fall to the level of our training. Train well. KWATZ!
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Old 06-06-2005, 05:52 PM   #6
Paula Lydon
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Re: Thoughts on Aiki Expo '05 by SeiserL

~~Lynn, thanks so much for the fine brief. I was too broke this year to attend (therefore was, naturally, highly jealous of all who went). If you're every out this way for a spell let me know: Ikeda sensei in Boulder and Threadgill sensei a bit into the mountains .

Take care,

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Old 06-06-2005, 06:50 PM   #7
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Re: Thoughts on Aiki Expo '05 by SeiserL

Paula Lydon wrote:
If you're every out this way for a spell let me know: Ikeda sensei in Boulder and Threadgill sensei a bit into the mountains . Take care, Paula
I actually talked briefly to both of them about that. Its like So Cal with so so much talent. Someday. But not today.

Lynn Seiser PhD
Yondan Aikido & FMA/JKD
We do not rise to the level of our expectations, but fall to the level of our training. Train well. KWATZ!
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Old 06-14-2005, 08:28 PM   #8
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Re: Thoughts on Aiki Expo '05 by SeiserL

Thank you Lynn for the talk on Conflict awareness at Aiki Expo. It was great to meet you and practice with you on the mat.

Being my first time to Aiki Expo i was very impressed with the great show of talent and all the friendly faces. I still sit back and think about it in total amazement. Almost an over load with all the information that I tried to learn that weekend. I am glad everyone practiced in one area as i was sitting getting a much needed breath i was able to watch all the mats at once and see a little of everything.
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Old 06-14-2005, 09:24 PM   #9
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Re: Thoughts on Aiki Expo '05 by SeiserL

Sean Lachance wrote:
Thank you Lynn for the talk on Conflict awareness at Aiki Expo. It was great to meet you and practice with you on the mat.
Ditto Kohai. You have great technique and attitude. I look forward to talking and training with you again.

Lynn Seiser PhD
Yondan Aikido & FMA/JKD
We do not rise to the level of our expectations, but fall to the level of our training. Train well. KWATZ!
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Old 12-15-2006, 08:02 AM   #10
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Re: Thoughts on Aiki Expo '05 by SeiserL

Excuse me for digging this out of the archives - I've been watching the DVDs of this event for a while now and wondered if any of you good people feature as ukes.

Its always good to put a face to a name.

I can see Lynn taking a breather and George gives a little speech.

Anybody else feature on the dvds?

It looks an excellent event and I wish it were a little closer to home.


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Old 12-15-2006, 04:38 PM   #11
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Re: Thoughts on Aiki Expo '05 by SeiserL

Daren Sims wrote:
wondered if any of you good people feature as ukes.
I was an uke for my teacher, Sensei Dang Thong Phong.

I sincerely hope there is another Aiki Expo somewhere someday. They are truly great experiences.

Lynn Seiser PhD
Yondan Aikido & FMA/JKD
We do not rise to the level of our expectations, but fall to the level of our training. Train well. KWATZ!
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