My name is Kirby Watson & I am Chief Instructor of the United Kingdom Kaze Arashi Ryu. I have been studying Kaze Arashi Ryu since 1985 with Henri Robert Vilaire Sensei and have previously studied Hakko Ryu Ju Jutsu (with the Shihan Roy J Hobbs & Antonio Garcia) & Aiki Goshin Do (with Shihan Roland Maroteaux). For teaching purposes Kaze Arashi Ryu is divided into the three main divisions of Aiki Ju Jutsu, Ken Jutsu & Jo Jutsu.
Each year I run an International Aiki Seminar in Lancashire, England, featuring Traditional Aikido, Aiki Ju Jutsu and another related art. Featured arts in the past have included Takeda Ryu Aiki no Jutsu & Aikido, Yoshinkan Aikido & Katori Shinto Ryu. This year's seminar will be over the weekend of November 6/7 & will, as last year, host instructors of Traditional Aikido & Katori Shinto Ryu. Please contact me via my e-mail address if you'd like to attend or see profiles of the instructors. If you'd like to know more about Kaze Arashi Ryu please visit the website
I have just finished a five year stint writing a monthly column for the British magazine "Traditional Karate" where I gave my views on all things Aiki plus several other political, social & technical points. If anyone would like copies of my Aiki aticles I'd be happy to share them.
Keep up the training!