A new review has been posted in the AikiWeb
Book database:
Book Title:
Aikido: Tradition and the Competetive Edge
Book Author: Shishida, Fumiaiki; Nariyama, Tetsuro
Review author:
David Findlay
Rating given: 5 (out of 5)
I suspect the lack of comments on this publication is because many of those who have bought the book feel like it would be commenting on their own teacher(s) - and who would want to do that!<br /> <br /> Anyway, needless to say that it is an excellent book. It does not dabble in the "mysteries" or "secrets" of aikido; it simply describes the practice of a solid foundation and discrete techniques.<br /> <br /> There is also good narrative as to the background of aikido; IIRC the author (Shishida Shihan) of this section has - and continues to - perform significant research into aikido history as well as other aspects of budo.<br /> <br /> Apparently its Japanese publication was very well received by aikido people of all style backgrounds, indicating its worthwhile and broad applicability.