The following is a message I posted from the General Section under topic: kototama.
Richard Harnack wrote:
If you can find Nakazono's book, it is very informative, much more than either Steven's or Gleason.
You may want to check to see if the Koto(d)(t)ama Institute is still in existence. If so, they had tapes and programs on Kotodama.
Inochi: The Book of Life, by Sensei Masahilo Nakazono (1918-1994). This book presents the ancient principle of Kototama. The 50 life rhythms, where the 5 mother sounds combine with the 10 father rhythms to produce life, are explained fully. The practice opens one up to the highest human capacity. The three orders of society are delineated and explained in detail. This is a softbound book (1984). Includes illustrations and sound charts. 119 Pages -- $12
You can buy this and 4 other of Nakazono's books at:
The Kototama Institute closed about 10 years ago, but one of his students are keeping his books in print.
Nakazono Sensei studied Aikido with O Sensei. He was also a student of George Ohsawa, the founder of macrobiotics, and Sakai Sensei, who taught the spirit of finite form, Jizo Bosatsu.
Additionally, see:
Kototama Principles
+ Also +
Winter 2001 Newsletter: Shobu Aikido of Boston
The Human Spirit and Aikido by Bill Gleason, Sensei
Mantrayana and Koto(dama/tama): a suggestive mapping (1.1)
copyright 1994, 1995, Fred Little
located on
Aikido FAQ
[Edited by tedehara on March 31, 2001 at 04:45pm]