Hi all, many years ago (probably 1998 - 2001 or so) I trained in traditional JuJutsu (Minami-Ryu) under Jack Garrett sensei, and earned Go Kyu (green belt).
Unfortunately due to work and other obligations, I had to stop doing what was, for me, a very enjoyable experience. At that time, I was also getting very interested in Aikido, and I did practice with the Aikido Shinjukai in Singapore on 2 occasions.
Now it's close to 7 years later, and I'm very interested in starting back up in the martial arts, obviously Aikido is my first choice
I'm hoping to find a good Aikido dojo here in the New Orleans area where I might sit in and have a look at some classes.
I really enjoy talking about Aikido and techniques, so I hope to contribute something to these forums!