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Old 12-20-2008, 02:39 PM   #428
Location: Henderson,
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 370
Re: The continued Evolution of Aikido

I'd like to say right here that I certainly don't intend to be sarcastic, as I find that to be a negative, dysfunctional trait and I personally have made it my personal goal to help stamp out dysfunctionalism, as well as evolving Aikido. I'm amazed that supposed 'enlightened' folks still resort to this when at an empasse with their communicational skills.

Kevin Leavitt wrote: View Post
I was referring from the conversation from about post #303 on.You still have not materially answered anything directly I have written, you simply move on and continue with the same theme of your discussion.
Now Kevin, that's just not true. Oh, I get it, if I don't directly respond to everything you say, then I'm surely an idiot, 'cause you da man, right and only a fool would ignore you. Well, to tell you the truth, I took that winded response to be rhetorical and that's why I didn't respond to it. For instance, you spent ALL those words (you like to 'orate', don't you? I'm tempted to ask your troops if you're one of those 'looeys' that like the sound of their own voices{ now don't go gettting yer panties in a wad, I mean that effectionately}) simply to say we need to clarify the term "martial effecetiveness". In fact ,in the very next post (#304), you toyed with the idea to start focusing on me personally.

Kevin Leavitt wrote:
Much of what you quoted was taken out of context of conversations that occurred much longer than you have been here on aikiweb.
Now Kevin, are you sure you're not exaggerating just to make a point? Now why would a fellow need to do that?

Kevin leavitt wrote:
You STILL Contend that Royce Gracie came later on? Really? He won the first UFC which was conceived of and ran l by his brother Rorian and Art
Still on about this( and you say I have to be right about everything?)? All I know is I have "The best hits of the UFC, Vol I, II, and III and the first one goes way back to the beginning of the UFC and the Gracies ain't in it. What is in it is a bunch of karateka getting their clocks cleaned by some hard hitting boxers.

Kevin Leavitt wrote:
Here is a very direct question:

What is it specifically that needs to evolve in aikido?


What does aikido need to evolve into?
Ok, now I have answered those questions numerous times(maybe it you that's not listening/paying attrention). So once again, in the context that evolove means to"adapt to improve to survive". In my opinion, that'd be to ensure that every principle is martially sound and effective as it can be and cannot be improved on further; As well as every technique, so in order to do that, competition would have to be a part of Aikido ( and/or combat). Then, for Aikido to futher evolve, many more Dojos need to open and be filled to capacity. In order to do that a huge nationwide marketing campaign thatd make a Aikido the coolest thing since sliced bread, with a national logo, a new and exciting and popular movie star with a series of hit movies that have kids running to sign up and practice Aikdo. The'd be Aikido branching out and incorporating with T'ai ch'i to appeal to the seniors and BJJ for the older kids and TKD for the youngsters and Tae Bo for the 'housewives' and definitly pick-up after-school care.

Now, I know this way, way out there, but in keeping with this thread, these are my ideas. Hey, H.G wells wrote of "armored land vehicles" 50 years before tanks and Jules Verne about underwater craft many years before sub-marines, Buck rodgers about space travel, etc., so anything's possible.

Only between a single breath is Yin/Yang in harmony
Emotion is pure energy flowing feely thru the body-Dan Millman