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Old 09-14-2007, 04:17 PM   #1
"Great Googly-Moogly"
IP Hash: 79a6fd73
Anonymous User
Grading Advancement - Special Scenerio

I belong to a dojo where one of my sempai is coming up for promotion. This person has been with the dojo almost from the start, through thick and thin, and they take care of almost every day-to-day dojo issue. Without this person it is possible that the dojo might not exist today.

There have been whispering rumors that this sempai might be double promoted sometime in the next sixth months. The feeling of most of the dojo is that this person has the skills and sensei has indicated that this person has earned the rank for the additional effort and work they put into the dojo. A couple of us figured out that if the sempai in question had tested every time they were able to they would be at the rank in question.

So is it a big deal if the person in question gets double promoted? Does the answer change if they were being promoted from "4th kyu to 2nd kyu", or "2nd kyu to 1st dan", or "1st dan to 3rd dan"?
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