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Old 09-07-2004, 11:47 PM   #6
Ron Aragon
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 2
Re: A labor-day lesson in ego...

Hi, I had something similar happen to me, in a different setting, however. I am a street person, and grew up hard. I have been around the world and down the back alleys. I have a calling, however, to preach the word of GOD. So I started to attend a Bible College.

Most of the students were younger than me, and definitely less experienced. During a class on studying the books of the old testament, my teacher, a man of 67yrs, brought me up short, in such a way that, I could not deny the truth of my ego.

During class, as I look back, I always had to show how smart I was, how "discerning" etc. I also seemed to have a need to play the smart aleck as well, all of course leading to "ego". On the last day of class and the end of the semester, he pulled me aside, and said " Ron I am going to have Bob join us, because I want him as a witness". He then told me that he was sure I had had a hard life and that he was sure I was worthy of being known as an intelligent and knowledgeable and experienced person, however, I was not the only person in the class, I needed to understand that there were others who would have questions that would need answering, and also recognition.

I was stunned, and hurt, I had not realized that I had been out of line, go figure. When he asked me if I had anyting to say, I said, that I would like to think before I spoke, this was in the beginning of my, growing period, so it took me sometime to deal with such issues, and could I speak to him in the future about it. He said of course and that he was always available.

Three days later, at a school assembly, I sought him out. I asked him, "if my behavior was so bad, why did he wait until the end of the semester to tell, me, why did he not tell me sooner so I would not be such an (idiot) is a polite way to say it, ? He said and I quote " I wanted you to be convicted". I have never forgotten that lesson and I will never forget how humbling it was, when I was able to see exactly what he meant. I know right where you are coming from. Good luck, I am sure that many people will benefit from the lesson you learned, when they interact with you. I know that I always try to make sure the next guy/gal gets a chance as much as I do.
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