Thread: Lady Aikido
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Old 07-28-2005, 06:21 PM   #21
Dojo: Central Coast Aikikai
Location: Gosford
Join Date: Jun 2000
Posts: 65
Re: Lady Aikido

Being an X-skinhead I know that the female of the species can be just as hard as the male. the only real pounding I recieved in 2 years of brawling was 3 fractured ribs from a rather nasty bootgirl.I no longer harbour any doubts that when the heat is on a woman/girl can & will inflict as much damage as most men if not more.

In the dojo I treat all my training partners male or female the same and that is based on their abilities in Ukemi. if their ukemi is weak then I take it easy if they have good ukemi skills then I go a little harder & so on up the scale. The only other consideration is for any known injuries. If a female student trains with me with a high/low level of Ukemi then she would be treated the same as a man of equal skill and I think that is appreciated by the females in our Dojo.

I once had a female student come to me after class to ask that I be careful & not kneel on her breast when doing submissions. I appologised for it happening and told her that to my knee her breast felt no different than the mat & that she should work on ways of taking Ukemi in a way that her breasts were protected & suggested that she talk this over with the Dojo's senior female student.
I said that if I knew that I was doing it that I would make adjustments but ultimately she was responsible for the protection of her body. I explained that I don't see gender on the mat & that she was just someone trying to hit me & I respond accordingly.
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