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Old 01-26-2002, 09:18 AM   #11
Steven Scott
Dojo: Ki Shin Tai Aikido Kan
Location: Kilmarnock
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 18
Hi David,

Please forgive me but I must correct you on one thing.

B]whereas aikido is more on the defensive side, using your enemies own force instead of your own to cause them harm.[/b]

Aikido techniques do not cause harm, that particular aspect of Aikido is left to the individual, if they wish to follow down that road.

If power and control are what you seek from your training then I wish you well, but also bear in mind that there is always someone stronger, faster and better than yourself out there and in the end it is not always the better man (or woman) who wins the fight, it is generally the smartest. Likewise in nature, the animal with the greater capacity to react and think fastest, and surest, most often survives.

An Aikidoka's strength lies in their non-aggression and compassion. Not in their fists.

Boxing is a sport, a profession for money, or a hobby for trophies or whatever. Here in the UK, your art is for fitness and co-ordination.
Aikido is a Budo, a martial path, a way to fitness and defence for some, a way to self-realisation and self-development to others.

I hope you can see then that niether can be compared, in essence, and from that standpoint no arts can, or should be.

Find some contentment in what you do, be happy with thatision and do not look for comparisons or contradictions in yourself and your art. Not arrogance or aloofness, just accept that our arts are different and move.

Whatever you are seeking, I hope you find it.

Yours in Aiki
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