Thread: Bending bones!
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Old 12-21-2009, 01:29 PM   #70
mathewjgano's Avatar
Dojo: Tsubaki Kannagara Jinja Aikidojo; Himeji Shodokan Dojo
Location: Renton
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Re: Bending bones!

David Skaggs wrote: View Post
Uke attacks.
Nage (tori) responds by blending and taking complete control of uke ( kuzushi).
At this point uke should not have any ability to do anything.
It is all under nage's control.

Unless you are not training for martial effectiveness.

I think this makes a nice ideal, but isnt there a gradient at play here? Or can we perhaps think of some form of "quasi-kuzushi" which allows someone in a superior position/structure, to maintain initiative?

At any rate, I've felt similar sensations as expressed by the OP. I've tended to just give my arm away as nage and with certain folks this has led to feelings like my bone bending or of muscle wanting to pull away from the bone. My best response was to blend internally...not that I have any real sense of what that means, just that I took a moment to "recenter" myself which involved both relaxing and activation. I wasn't able to completely make the pain go away, but it did seem to diminish slightly.
Personally I see no harm in saying, "my arm really hurts, can we try this with less intensity?" Different schools have different attitudes on this though. In my inexpert view, there is a fine line between the pain that is useful and the pain that is harmful, but it's important to walk that line a bit in a serious study of budo; to become familiar with the difference. It's hard to develop an injured part of the body because whatever is injured cannot be used fully. It may help you to connect with and improve other parts (the value of working through the pain in my mind), but I'd personally rather be viewed as a sissy than to have an injury. When I played soccer in highschool it was on astroturf and I'm about as flat-footed as a human can be. I took it easy whenever I was hurt and it bugged a couple of my teem-mates, but when you're 17 and can barely walk up a flight of stairs after a game, you have to make the judgement call. I'm sure it's been suggested but I'd recommend seeing a doc to make sure your bones don't have any issues and go from there. You could also perhaps work on conditioning the bones through impact training, which as I recall is the best way to improve bone density...and which, assuming damage wasn't being done, you might have been getting without even trying!
Good luck and gambatte!

Last edited by mathewjgano : 12-21-2009 at 01:35 PM.
