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Old 05-09-2003, 04:27 AM   #10
Daniel Mills
Daniel Mills's Avatar
Dojo: Kokyu Aikido Association.
Location: Oldham, UK
Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 85
I spoke with Sensei about the being a bit early thing, and he told me of an old Sensei of his own, who would give pre-set amounts of hours to train for each test and all, and if you were ever just one hour short of the requirements then you would be denied the testing opportunity. Hence why he wants to do things differently, and even though I may fall a good deal short of the four month minimum, I'll have gotten all of the required classes in, hence.. in at the deep end as it were

The 7th Kyu test where I train is quite minimal, obviously as it's the first test. There are only six techniques, five of which are performed on both sides. They are;

Katate Kosa Tori Kokyunage

Katate Tori Tenkan Kokyunage

Kata Tori Ikkyo

Shomen-Uchi Kokyunage

Mune-Tsuki Kotegaishi

Then ending with Kokyu Dosa.

I should be fine for them, however, I'm a little unsure of my rolls, as I've only recently (perhaps two sessions ago..) begun to do projected ukemi, and the thought of performing a series of ukemi that I'm not 100% sure of, in front of a testing board, and several other aikidoka... fills me with such nervousness!

Typically, lowest grade tests first.. and in alphabetical order within that grade..

Guess who tests first inthe entire testing..

Good luck with training for your 4th Kyu, Kelly! Despite all the odds, I'm sure you'll do just fine. I'll willingly swap your Ukemi for my Nage

I've come to think that anyone who tests past the basics, does so for the right reasons. Even if you haven't corrected a few things, yet still pass your 4th kyu.. it won't be because you didn't deserve it, but more a case that you didn't have time to perfect them.. that could be your focus for 3rd?

I'm considering getting a friend to video my test, as a means of measuring progress, however.. I'm not sure I want to see myself at my most ungraceful


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