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Old 08-22-2006, 09:28 AM   #9
Mike Sigman
Location: Durango, CO
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 4,123
Re: Deep Breathing and its meaning

Ted Ehara wrote:
From Ki A Practical Guide for Westerners by William Reed, pg.63

"The ancient Chinese assumed that Ki entered the body through the breath, and flowed in the blood. They called this energy Kiketsu, using the characters for Ki and blood. Oketsu, meaning dirty or polluted blood, was considered to be the source of all disease. Modern medicine uses a variety of blood tests to diagnose the health of the entire body, and the presence of many specific diseases. It is common knowledge that blood is the vehicle for oxygen, nutrients, and antibodies for every cell in the body.

Yet the average person is almost literally starving for Ki at the cellular level. "
Ted, that monograph by William Reed has got nothing to do with Ki. Notice in the sentences I selected above how he talks about what the "ancient Chinese" assumed about Ki and then notice how, without any explanation or rationale, he jumpshifts into assuming that Ki is one of the chemical components contained within blood. That is simply wrong.

I'm trying to think of a short way to show you an experiment where you can feel exactly what they mean by "ki", in this sense (yes, you can feel it and I've watched people as they suddenly focus in on what it is). Unfortunately, I'd almost need to lead you through it personally. I spent some time with George Ledyard and Richard Moore and showed them this part of my perspective. If I can get someone to feel what is meant by ki in the sense that they stood there willing force directions (without moving) in 4 directions while clasping their hands in front of them. It doesn't take long to lead someone to that point. From that point (and I didn't do it because it would have taken more time than we had) you can lead someone to the stage where they can affect the blood flow and vasodilation using the mind to move this "ki" phenomenon. That's why there is a traditional belief that the ki and blood are related. William Reed is simply positing something that I can't even grudgingly say is "close"... he missed it. And I would be happy to show him, also.


Mike Sigman
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