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Old 03-16-2012, 07:47 AM   #45
Allen Beebe
Location: Portland, OR
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 532
Re: Zhangzhuang could help Aikido practise

With regards to my post, and I think many Zhangzhuang practishioners, this is a "third element."

First of all, all meditation practices are not the same. Many individuals assume that they are. Also, in my experience most individuals that express their opinion about meditation do not have a broad basis or significant depth to their perspective. That said, we have mind/bodies, that which develops the mind/body can be beneficial. However, depending on one's goals, some practices are more productive than others and when the goal is narrowed, some practices can be seen as counterproductive or neutral.

The idea of Aikido as "moving meditation" is more "idea" than actual practice in most cases in my experience.

In both cases, neither necessarily lead, and there is little evidence to show a significant link to, the kind of "weird" power appied in the internal arts including Aikido, that put them on the map in the first place.

The standing and locomotion (I like that word as opposed to "moving," because the use of "moving" in juxtaposition to sitting or standing impies a stasus that is not real.). Practice that achieves the "weird" power exibited martially by the internal martial arts practitioners that put their martial arts "on the map" by being significantly different than the norm is (duh ) significantly different than the norm!

So I would suggest that there is practice different from normal sitting and normal Aikidi/Sword, that produces unique results. The confusing factor is that it can LOOK LIKE practice one already has done experienced, BUT can be differentiated by the results demonstrated. For example two people may bake the same pie using the same ingridents and even the same recipe. If the results come out significantly different, someone is DOING something significantly different, even if it isn't visible. I want to learn from the better pie maker such that I can make a better pie.

(Pi is different than Phi BTW, which is different than the Howie killer!)

~ Allen Beebe
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