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Old 07-24-2014, 01:48 PM   #7
Matt Fisher
Dojo: Allegheny Aikido
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 35
Re: Two Swords in Aikido

One comment and one question...

The comment is in regards to Saotome Sensei's two-sword practices. Several people have already pointed out that this is very different from what was in your video; one of the strongest memories I have from when I have practiced Sensei's two-sword techniques is that very often the two swords (long and short) are following different trajectories. I saw almost no evidence of that in the video clip.

In the Two Swords of Aikido video mentioned by some others on this thread, there is a section where Saotome Sensei talks about some of the ideas behind his two-sword system. As I recall, he was very explicit in saying that he developed these practices to illustrate aikido principles. They were not practices that he learned from another teacher.

My question is in regard to the comment in the OP that "It is known that Takeda Sokaku sensei practiced Two Swords(Nito-ryu) besides sword, spear and many other weapons. Among the Daito-ryu transmission scrolls there is one titled Daito-ryu Aiki Nito-ryu." Could you provide us with a fuller explanation of where that information comes from? While several Daito ryu organizations (particularly the Takumakai) include the scroll you mention in a list of techniques, there is NO other mention of two-sword that I have been able to find...anywhere. So I'm curious as to your source(s).

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