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Old 02-04-2007, 01:13 PM   #18
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 3,394
Re: Jujutsu - Yawara -- definitions

Mike Braxton wrote:
In my mind how you grapple in jujitsu should be the same if only slightly different on how you grapple in koshi no mawari only because of the armor being imployed. Taking the iniative in torite is also imployed in jujitsu or aikido. Sen and sen sen no sen. To me the are just monikers so that you know exactly what is involved {armor worn vs. no armor worn} while they are still doing the basically the same thing such as using ki, taking balance, etc...
Well not really. For starters lets take your first assertion that armored fightnig is only slightly different from unarmed jujutsu. isn't.
1. Many of the throws and set ups of jujutsu or Judo simply won't work. You would never get in on them in that way-various pieces of amror would prevent it. So would areas to get kuzushi be altered in armor. In fact both his body and yours would behave and feel different in armor. There a reason Koryu jujutsu sometimes looks odd.
2. Many of technical approaches toward hips and chest walls will fail. Chokes will fail. Atemi of most common types are useless.
3. But there are in fact methods to actually grab areas armor and use it-which makes little sense in unarmored jujutsu
4. Yes there can be some cross over

Second lets consider the trump card
Whole different approach in maai and body awareness in kogusoku and Koshi no ma Mawari. Some Judo type techniques and approaches would get you killed. So, there remains differences in distance and the reasons for placements of; your body, your hands, displacing HIS body and hand/arms all become relevant when either /or are armed or can access weapons.
And THAT most certainly does effect sen. Both as distance and timing. Or you're once again- dead.
No big deal since we don't fight in armor anymore. But they were what they were for reasons that should not be glossed over.
In my mind its as ignorant as telling someone to just pop a gang banger in the head if he harrassed you. Chances are you'd end up in the morg.
Weapons and weapon awareness is paramount in any age.

Last edited by DH : 02-04-2007 at 01:22 PM.
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