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Old 09-25-2005, 05:38 PM   #109
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 3,394
Re: Where Does The Power come from?


Please rethink the explanations offered to you here.
Your reply about…The power from dirt?
This is not “other worldly,” “demonic,” or “animist” belief/ powers from the earth. It is an entirely physical skill that can be enhanced by mental (think of this as enhanced focus) imagery, breathing and some other things. That said, as a practicing Christian I can tell you I would have no part of anything involving that stuff. I can also tell you that it does not, in any way, violate anything of a spiritual nature. I personally think of it as me finally getting it- as to what God made our bodies to be and how to move…naturally. Essentially what makes our bodies work better. In the oddest of twists I feel far more free all encompassing and giving when fighting this way. I actually smile.

The “ground force to any point in the body” connection can be made by anyone with the right training. The massage method that Mike mentioned is not strange at all-it is completely a physical skill, I do it when I get messaged and there are several therapists who will ask you to do it. I know of two in Seattle.
But enough of that-it can be profound as a martial technique as well. What it does do is make a physical connection “happen” in your body which is completely real, and completely rational. There is quite a sense of satisfaction at having large men hurt their arms and hands while hitting you.
The grounding force is a way to use “less” muscle to simply stand, and this allows you to use other parts of your body –and yes your breath-to increase resistive force and focused penetrating force. Think of how many could perceive what you do in Aikido as “magic” because they don’t understand what YOU are doing either.
I took three men who have never done these things and trained them in 6 months to year to duplicate them to a degree. One 150 guy had a 280 pound jujutsuka pushing on his chest at the edge of a mat and he could not move him-then the little guy threw him. As well he “absorbed” deep penetrating punches. All learned through natural, boringly repetative, Please trust what I am telling you is not spiritualy compromising. These are high level physical skills only.
At any rate, lets try assuming the best instead of the worse, and ask questions about things we don’t understand.

fighting, kicks and punches, feints, chokes, throws and head hunting.....
Lets not overdo things. Push hands and connections and penetrating punches while valid and real are NOT in and of themselves; fighting. Fighting is fighting.Just as in anything else people can excel at.... these skills may or may not be able to be utilized for and against repetitive attacks and the physical skills of a trained fighter. It is best to keep a level, pragmatic head about you. There are no end of martial “artists” who do well in various limited “tests”and limited fighting who then fall apart against serious fighters. In the end, there are no shortcuts.


Last edited by DH : 09-25-2005 at 05:53 PM.
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