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Old 05-04-2011, 03:20 PM   #75
Marc Abrams
Dojo: Aikido Arts of Shin Budo Kai/ Bedford Hills, New York
Location: New York
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 1,302
Re: Tadashi Abe and Kenji Tomiki and their criticism

Attilio Anthony John Wagstaffe wrote: View Post
It's strange Dan that you have it and nobody else does, but we have been there before, so there you go. I agree that some in T/S don't always have it....... I know what I know and my students do to. Some get it some don't..... I have passed it on to them as best I know how and the strange part is the ones that put that extra effort in are the better ones from a power point of view who are getting "it" so to speak and it's not just muscle power, it is coming from the core.....
So maybe 20 years ago I didn't have "it" but through my own experimentation I have acquired "something" maybe similar to your "discovery"
I don't know how to put it in words but I feel mine emanates from my core and not the extremities....
But we all know where you are coming from....

Please cite your source as to where Dan claims that he has "IT" and nobody else does. If you cannot find that source, then kindly issue an apology for your "mistake." Dan has been open about acknowledging other people in the community that have some of "IT" as well (Dan never claimed to or currently claims to have all of "IT").

Using one of Dan's quotes "You don't know what you don't know." One of the people that Dan has mentioned (myself as well), Ushiro Sensei says something like "the biggest block to your learning is what you already think that you know."

You have been encouraged to experience at least one of those two people and you have alternated by being dismissive of what you might learn/experience or claim that you already have "IT."

Very senior martial artists train with both Dan and Ushiro Sensei. Maybe, just maybe they do so for very good reason. You would never know why until you experienced for yourself. Then again, you can continue to claim mutually incompatible reasons for not wanting to experience either of them..... Kind of fitting what the moniker is at the bottom of your posts. Maybe it is you who is afraid of the truth, because it might hurt you to realize how much you didn't learn after all.

Marc Abrams
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