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Old 03-30-2007, 11:50 PM   #33
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Dojo: Iwae Dojo
Location: Boulder Creek, CA
Join Date: Jun 2000
Posts: 568
Re: Poll: How important is working with strong-gripped, "static grabs" in your aikido

Hi Daren,

Daren Sims wrote: View Post
Ok - that is fair enough. I'm not here to say our way is the only way. I like to understand a little of why others do things, maybe take a little on board now and then and occassionally applaud and say 'Amen' to some of the contributions.
Same same. It's why I posted. I'm also here to learn, work out what I know and what I think I know, and be corrected or changed if someone can "larn me my lesson". Interacting with other people online has introduced changes and had major impacts on my training for a long long time. I hope it continues, although as I gain more experience, it seems that the changes become more and more of a refinement of learning rather than a profound change or paradigm shift (although I have gone through a few of those as well).

If you are interested in digging a little deeper you've got your search engine or by all means PM me and I'll send you some of the stuff I have in my personal library.
I asked a Japanese speaking friend. I have been introduced to these concepts, just not using those specific words. Also, from your description, not used in the same way in the curriculum. But I have an admittedly goofy background.

There seem to be many ways to interpret Aikido and how to do it. I have long ago abandoned dissmissing the ideas of others as "wrong"...can anyone say for instance that Tohei was right and Tamura or Saito are wrong because they had different approaches. Absolutely not. Both are superb yet different. All we can do is follow our chosen path and take advantage of contrasting styles when opportunity arises.
I both agree and disagree. Different is not always superb and there are some differences that are definitely detrimental if the goals are the same. However, I certainly do agree that more than one approach can create excellent results. In fact, this is a tool I use when working with students, to figure out how they learn and what might trigger understanding in them.

I have seen this approach work well and produce some excellent Aikido people. If its not for you then no problemo, if it feels wrong dont do it.
Of course.

So because it is not relevant to these sports its not relevant to Aikido?

Now its your turn to go on further to convince me Tariq.
My point here is that it doesn't make sense to me that Aikido is somehow that significantly different from everything else people try to learn.

I've had conversations with my Uncle who used to teach college athletes and has a graduate degree in physical education and his observations have agreed with mine so far about this particular point. Pretty much every other physical and psychological pursuit I've tried or watched being taught always emphasize learning form and relaxation from the beginning before trying to put that learning under stress.

Don't human being still learn the same way?

Focussing more on the static for me it is so easy to show errors and address them. I've been taught they are like musical scales
Funny, the basic movement exercises I've learned are described in the same way. Having learned to play a few instruments in my youth, it makes logical sense. These are building blocks and the scales you practice as you grow include variations on the basic movements.

If you've considered what I've said and choose to go another way I'm happy for you and good luck.
Likewise. I have tried spending time with the more static method and perhaps it's my personality, but I found it incomprehensible. That doesn't stop me from trying to comprehend once in a while, however.

My gripe is that so many people look at this static practice and criticise it for being martially ineffective without understanding that it is just a development step and as I said in my previous post not really "Aikido".
I didn't intend to suggest that anything about martial effectiveness or ineffectiveness. In fact, the argument I usually encounter when trying to discuss this is that if I don't follow the static practice, my training will not be martially effective.

On this I think we agree. As usual some mat time rather than exchange of words would probably clear much up - to me none of this excluded from the latter stages of our practice.
Yep. Or not.. I've had encounters where we both left still not understanding one another.

I'm all for questioning Tarik. I believe the wave of interest in MMA and such like has blown away a lot of the mystery and mystique of MA which is a good thing. So my point was to say question and subsequently understand what you are training for ...if you choose static training understand what its trying to achieve and its strengths and weaknesses.
Than we're of like mind, if not like opinions. Sounds great!


Tarik Ghbeish
Jiyūshin-ryū AikiBudō - Iwae Dojo

MASAKATSU AGATSU -- "The true victory of self-mastery."
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