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Old 03-19-2012, 04:16 PM   #76
Rob Watson
Location: CA
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 697
Re: Differences between female & male practitioners

Jackie Adams wrote: View Post
I know some are going to object. I would like to see the counter argument showing it isn't true many more women feel comfortable going into a class with another female (or male/friend or husband) friend then alone. More women joining an Aikido class for the first time can feel intimidated being the only female in a class of men. A class when surveyed by many woman come to the conclusion she would be uncomfortable in that class. Because it is mostly male students, if not all, even if there is a female instructor. Here we have a situation where a woman needs a class that fits her learning style, and yet has no choice to join a class of men - there are no classes for her learning style. Why should she have to make that choice? Why isn't there a class for her that understands how she learns best?
We used to have a womens class but it didn't work out. The more experienced women didn't show as they didn't get a decent enough training out of it. Guess they knew they would be attacked by men (if it ever came to that) so that is what they wanted to train.

I always figured we already have a beginners class for the beginners. Beginners get paired with seniors. We basically do a 'regular' class but concentrate more on basics. Same as the 'regular' classes. Anything else seems kind of misleading - want to know what training is like then come to any class and see.

EVERYONE is different big/little, old/young etc. One aikido to bind them all. The student must bend to fit the class - not the other way around.

I've seen more men come a few times and quit than have women. Maybe less women come in the first place but those that do tend to stay more often.

"In my opinion, the time of spreading aikido to the world is finished; now we have to focus on quality." Yamada Yoshimitsu

Ultracrepidarianism ... don't.
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