Thread: Equitable?
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Old 03-07-2005, 08:03 PM   #181
Dojo: Shobu Aikido of Connecticut
Location: East Haven, CT
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 1,402
Re: Equitable?


You would be *crazy* to try to demand that I let someone train while pregnant in *my* dojo. If you want to do that in your dojo - good luck to you.

Take a deep breath, relax, and try to follow along. When neither side can prove or disprove a point it would be just plain illogical to conclude that one side MUST be right and the other wrong. I'm not looking to provoke you. How about trying not to get all upset that you cannot convince me to agree with faulty logic. I thought about trying to re-explain some of my other points, but I actually feel that I explained them all well enough already. If it's really not working for you, and you honestly want further explanation, let me know and I'll PM you or email you, but I won't bug everyone else.

About the body to body communication of intimate martial arts, I think Osensei could feel these things in his partners. His martial art is very natural, and so is communication on that level. Larry, great post. I can feel the body-fear people have when they are taking ukemi just around their limit to do so. I used to mis-interpret this and think the person was challenging me and blast through it. That was a non-ideal situation. Others sense this and back off too much. The trick I have found it is back off just the tiniest bit in power and keep the power right there (like the momentu of the power and drama level) so that the uke can work through their body fear. Building a better uke, builds better overall aikido. I think that is part of the original aikido by the founder. Otherwise, it would be just a big filtering process.

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