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Old 01-01-2008, 08:23 PM   #47
Kevin Leavitt
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Dojo: Team Combat USA
Location: Olympia, Washington
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 4,376
Re: I'm Leaving Aikido

I agree Don, I think that is because it is hard to define (for civilians) what it is that you would pay money month after month and year after year to sustain a practice based on RBSD!

So you end up with a bunch of "options", kata, techniques that you have to learn and memorize that are progressive in nature and allow you to move up in rank.

Not knocking RBSD training, I do it myself from time to time, but I think it needs to be based on a good foundation dealing with position, balance, and center...core practices.

Hence why so many of us are pro BJJ, Judo, and other grappling sports.

I personally like the "inside/out" approach. That is, you learn to first literally CRAWL and fight from your core on the ground, which teaches you much about center, strength...where and how things work (or don't), then as you get comfortable there, you can progress to further and further distances, weapons and so forth.

This is the exact appproach we are using today in the Army.

This is not the only way...but I like it and it has done good by me so far.

RBSD, or scenario based training is very simple and can really be learned as simple as Tony Blauer puts it...that is why I like his approach to training. If I was spending my hard earned dollars for "down and dirty, i'd spent the couple of thousand that it takes to go through his training and call it a day! or a year for that matter!

Ironically what you will find though is that your base practice comes back to things like judo, greco-roman, boxing, aikido, tai chi, bjj...all things that work on developing core abilities.

How well these arts work for doing that depends on the teacher, I have seen good teachers in all of them (and bad).

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