Thread: True Warfare
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Old 10-28-2011, 01:06 PM   #112
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 1,996
Re: True Warfare

Graham Christian wrote: View Post
Hi Mark.
May I say it is me who is surprised more by others not seeing invasion as anti-aikido than others being surprised by that view.

Thus it leads me to recognise some have yet to fully appreciate Aikido.

For someone who has never trained from that viewpoint it would indeed seem like a giant leap of faith or unreal and such a person would no doubt find a way of putting it down.

By thinking in terms of right and wrong you create your own confusion.

There is a way which is both harmonious and effective yet is not invasion. Because 'we' are not wise enough to see it merely shows how much 'we' don't know.

Until invasion is seen as arrogant and unnecessary then it merely serves as a barrier to increased awareness and thus better solutions. The better solutions therefore are more harmonious and effective and thus more Aikido.

In as much as 'faulty' premises and 'erroneous' definitions then suffice to say quite the opposite. It brings about a better reality on what the founder meant by those things he said referring to Aikido that many still argue about or don't fully appreciate to this day. ie: love, universal love, non-resistance, no enemies, centre of centre, harmony, loving protection, no pulling or pushing, etc.etc. etc.

You didn't address my post. You went off on a tangent. You stated that one had to invade prior to realizing "aikido". Why? Here in this post, you seem to back track and state that one shouldn't invade for "aikido".

I find from your posts that you are really having a hard time putting into words exactly how you define aikido. First, it's invade prior to aikido, then it's don't invade prior to aikido, then it's people don't understand aikido, then it's aikido is harmony, loving protection (which is really just mimicking other people's words), then it's this and then it's that. You dance about with your ideas like a marionette on a pogo stick being chased by circus ponies. I've yet to see some solid ideas from you about aikido.

If you're trying to seem like a teacher, perhaps a suggestion ... solidify your ideas and definitions of aikido such that people can understand them. As it is, I think a lot of us are just shaking our heads ... trying to figure out where you stand, what you believe, how you define aikido, etc.

And writing things like, "There is a way which is both harmonious and effective yet is not invasion. Because 'we' are not wise enough to see it merely shows how much 'we' don't know" and "Thus it leads me to recognise some have yet to fully appreciate Aikido" don't help as they are perceived as a type of backhanded insult. Maybe you don't mean them that way, maybe you do. I don't know. But, a more, clear, and concise posting style from you would help in a lot of ways.
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