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Old 05-09-2011, 12:31 PM   #85
C. David Henderson
Location: Santa Fe New Mexico
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 606
Re: Three Levels of Aikido

I perceive a fundamental disconnect in this thread, Lee -- you have stated some positions, but for whatever reason haven't gone beyond a declaration to some sort of exposition; which a number of people respectfully requested. From my perspective, your responses often treat attempts to discuss as disagreement and disagreement as attack.

You really missed the boat re. Mr. Matthews, BTW, and showed a curious lack of curiosity when this first was pointed out to you. If you are interested in Arikawa's perspective, and find it speaks to you, seems to me you managed to discourage a conversation with exactly the wrong person.

Meanwhile, we were discussing the IDEA of three levels of aikido. How does this IDEA relate to your IDEAS? Not in pedigree or authorship -- but in substance.

David Henderson
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