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Old 09-20-2011, 01:43 PM   #47
Tim Ruijs
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Dojo: Makato/Netherlands
Location: Netherlands - Leusden
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 463
Re: Progression of Hip/Lower torso movement

Dan Harden wrote: View Post
With certain target goals in mind, this is simply not true. Demonstrably so. Further, while traveling about feeling the efforts of people who are training with various internal coaches; both amateurs and experts, there is a wide disparity with results. It appears the amateurs teach better, and it is obvious not all of them are teaching the same things. The rest can be the result of the laziness or intelligence of the student.
But I would NEVER say there is no good or bad. Give someone a bad compass and tell them to travel a thousand miles and ask them about good or bad.
Time and distance can be a killer to the best efforts.
Now add bad information at the outset.
Thanks for your comment. I see your point.
Would you not agree that the compass only proves good or bad, after the person experienced it himself/herself? You can try to convince the other person that your compass is right, but someone else can also offer a compass with the same pitch. How can the user of the compass know which is better (i.e good or bad)? On what ground would one decide which compass to use?
Agreed that once you know you got your bearing. But then there is no question anymore either, is there?

(a bit off topic: I think many believe that what they are doing is correct, because they have been taught that way. It takes effort to search beyond what you know, what you have been taught and become a master and judge for yourself what is good. Now while I know this, I am not saying I am able to, far from. I am struggling day to day to find my way. )

In a real fight:
* If you make a bad decision, you die.
* If you don't decide anything, you die.
Aikido teaches you how to decide.