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Old 11-26-2012, 01:46 PM   #142
ChrisHein's Avatar
Dojo: Aikido of Fresno
Location: Fresno , CA
Join Date: Apr 2005
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Re: Is aiki a clash of forces?

Mark Murray wrote: View Post
You sound like you have a hidden agenda of trying to get information for someone else. Not sure if that's what is happening, but it certainly seems that way. I would want to know what your motives are for focusing in on in/yo and what the forces are. Of all things, you keep coming back to that, yet you don't understand a lot of the other stuff. You act like you don't know mingmen, dantien, forces, etc. when that's pretty much chinese internals. It's been said that in/yo are the Japanese terms for yin/yang, which, again, are pretty much all throughout Chinese internals. Yet you keep coming back to in/yo and forces. Why? Are you trying to get answers for someone else? If not, what relevence do they have to you over and above mingmen, dantien, etc which you ignore?
Hey Mark,

When trying to solve a problem it's good to get clarification on each point. I feel like most of what Dan is saying revolves around the duel opposing spirals, so that's the first point I would like to understand better. I'm not sure why it's so hard to answer that, or even make an attempt to answer. I would love to move on.

I know how I would use the words related to Chinese internal, I don't know how Dan is using them. If we are going to have a discussion, we'll have to have a common understanding of the phenomenon the words are describing.

If you'd like to know how I use a word, just ask. I bet I can answer in a paragraph or less. If you need further clarification I'll keep trying.

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