Thread: Quiet please!
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Old 06-01-2006, 07:02 AM   #1
IP Hash: 2cc518b4
Anonymous User
Tongue Quiet please!

This is kind of related to the previous thread, but from another angle!

I would like some advice on how to say politely "Thanks, but no thanks" for advice/corrections given to me by those of more senior rank when I am in the role of Tori.

I have realised that the best method for me to learn the finer points of a technique I am already fairly familiar with is to just observe quietly the technique, or part I am interested in, and let it 'soak' into my head for a few seconds. I get frustrated sometimes when immediately after the 'mistake' happens my more senior ranked uke starts verbally instructing. To me this is like an interruption of a thought process. I also like to try slightly different directions (experiment) and work things out for myself. This is done at an appropriate pace, of course.

Usually I let it go, I can see it as a chance for uke to practice their instruction, although I guess that should include their learning how not to instruct as well. I also don't want to seem ungrateful.

It's not a problem that occurs often, but just as I like to attend to the 'minor' details in techniques so I would like an effective way of dealing with this occassional but irritating problem. Eventually I would be able to work this out for myself too, but I am worried I will do a big dummy spit before I have found my own solution!

I know the immediate instructions are not because the senior uke is worried that I might cause an injury, as I am the 'too soft' dojo chicken and don't scare anyone!

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