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Old 11-19-2004, 11:06 AM   #42
roninja's Avatar
Dojo: UCO Budo Society/ Eye of the Storm
Location: oklahoma
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 15
Re: Good Hakama Gone Bad

budo child wrote:
Its so sad to see people who take longer to get ready before and after keiko than they spend on the mat. Some people are more interested in looking good on the mat rather than training hard. it should take no longer than 5 min to get on a gi hak and obi any longer is pathetic and belongs in some camp clothes boutque. yes its important to keep the folds but learn to do it quickly or if no time WHO CARES . The standard of your hak has nowt to do with your abilty
pathetic? I don't wear hakama for Aikido training because I am not a Shodan, but I am a Buddhist and have found the occasion (whilst practicing Japanese Zen) where I would be wearing Hakama and Kimono, and the Hakama Alone take, on my fastest day, three minutes to put on. Is that Pathetic? I was never late for class, and having taken the time to put my Hakama on properly and mindfully, I was not in a rushed state of mind to enter the Zendo.

As for my dogi, Changing and and folding takes me at least three minutes. Now add a hakama in there and it's going to take a little bit longer.

and then there's the subject of self reflection for creating standards. Just because you can, and prefer to, rush into and out of your dogi does not make others "pathetic" for not doing such.

Where do you get off with such arrogance? You may have some rank in Aikido, fine, but I doubt you are THE authority on proper Dogi proceedures.

and having experienced the bits of japanese culture, that I have, and my spent time in Buddhism, I know that they are not rushed cultures. More time can be spent on the "formailites" than the actual practices themselves, because the formalities are part of the practices.

There is a famous saying "Cha'an (Zen) is not just sitting with your legs crossed, it is eating, sleeping, putting on oyur shoes, your shirt..." So as you can see, from this quote, preparation of dogi and the way you tend to it afterwards are also part of your training.

Also, it has been my experience that people who decide not to take the time to "look nice on the mat" do not train as hard either. I'm not SuperAikidoka, but I take the time to do it right and that gives me a sense of formality in practice.

Of coruse as one does somethign longer and longer they will get better and quicker at it, but for the beginner, like myself, preparations can take up into the ten minutes, and that's just fine. I've never been griped at for trying to learn how to do it right.

I can now fold my robes, after chanting and meditation, rather quickly, but when I first started it took me about six minutes, and it's only one article of clothing that you fold four times. there are people who can do it in 30 seconds.

Now I know I've probably gone rendundant with my stuff, but I don't know, such derogitory statements as "pathetic and belongs in some camp clothes boutque" really make me mad.

Anyway, I must go practice non aggrevation now

僕わ Joseph Dunkin
"Compassion is pure kindness
Wisdom is knowing the truth of dependent origin"
- Ven. Hsing Yun
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