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Old 02-19-2006, 10:27 PM   #32
ChrisHein's Avatar
Dojo: Aikido of Fresno
Location: Fresno , CA
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 1,646
Re: Regrading grabs in Aikido...

I can understand what you are saying, but I don't' understand why you would explain yourself in such a way, it is far more complicated then you need make it. You should be looking to make the complicated simple, not the other way around.

About the 5-15 years you are correct, I've only been studying Aikido 10 years. In that 10 years, I've been uchi deshi for a year of if, studying full time 4-5 classes a day, and done and average of 3-4 classes a week for most of the rest of that. I have studied Aikido under Patrick Cassidy, and Brazilian Jiu jutsu and chinese internal under Tim Cartmell. I have fought in several mma and bjj tournaments, and I have fought with the dog brothers. Only 10 years though, hmm if I were training to be a doctor I'd be out of residency by now, do you think Aikido is more complicated then medical science? I know many great fighters that have had professional fights in much less time in then 10 years. This is part of the problem that I am talking about, fighting is pretty simple, and I would say anyone telling you other wise is probably the one using a marketing gimmick.

Fighting is simple, but the study of if can last a life time, that's the beauty of it. When you are trying to tell new people about Aikido you shouldn't be complicating the matter, that makes it seem to me that you are more interested in talking about the experience then trying to help others experience the experience.

-Chris Hein
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