Thread: Strength vs Ki.
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Old 06-14-2011, 02:46 PM   #152
Tony Wagstaffe
Location: Winchester
Join Date: Oct 2005
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Re: Strength vs Ki.

John Burn wrote: View Post
But what would you have lost in turning up and meeting the guy, a lot of people met up with him prior to the seminar in a park, with no charge for that either lol.

I didn't mean Dan's video would be fake btw, but that might be your interpretation of it. They keep saying unless you know you won't see these things in videos and in reality it might look exceptionally fake to the untrained eye - not that my eye is that well trained either I might add. Forget the video idea, I doubt it will happen anytime soon.

Maybe you should put some video up for people to critique with you clearly demonstrating isometrics / your take on what you think IP is? The one video is by your own admission something that was done off the cuff. Maybe you could demonstrate some very basic low level internal skills - should be easy to show shouldn't it? And no, I won't be doing it on here, this aint about me as I'm just a baby at this stuff but you've been doing it for years...

Back to my main point, why didn't you meet Dan when given the free offer? For me, if I hear someone has the goods in terms of IP then I know who to ask, I know Ikeda sensei and used to ask him, he put me onto a few others who put me onto a few others and you know what, never once did I care about what their background was in terms or art or grade - I took it from personal recommendations from people I'd gotten hold of and felt and thanks to that, met Mike and then latterly Dan. I'll hopefully get over and train with Bill Gleason sometime too over the next year or two as well. Grades don't impress me one bit, we've got way too many self appointed shihans and self graded people in this country it's almost an epidemic - shihan syndrome. Mike n Dan could be ungraded whitebelt yahoo's for all I care (sorry guys), doesn't mean they can't walk the walk. Ikeda sensei regularly gets on the mat wearing a whitebelt and tries new things and new arts to figure more of this stuff out and I'm sure he does it all and meets these people without insisting they put up a video .
In a park John? Why a park? Unless you are doing Taichi or walking the dog? Or maybe weapons work?And yes you are right about the self anointed ones. Personally I don't rate many of the names you adhere to as I have never seen them actually up against real resistance, even on video so I don't rate anyone until I see it....
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