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Old 01-03-2008, 07:25 AM   #63
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 1,996
Re: I'm Leaving Aikido

Daniel Ranger-Holt wrote: View Post
Thats why i studied Aikido as well. But i found in real life situations it doesn't work. As ive said numerous times i dont want to beat people up. Just defend myself well. If you think you can throw any kind of lock or hold on someone throwing a real punch at real speed you're kidding yourself like i was. Just you tube boxing or punching if you haven't had real life altercations. And you will see what i mean. Punches come as hard snaps, not someone in a line, running toward you fist extended. Aikido is fooling a lot of people i feel.

As for those saying if im not happy with Aikido go, and stop posting. With respect, no. Theres people on here who no longer study Aikido but still post. If the thread makes uncomfrotable reading for you, then dont read it. Simple. I am being respectful and taking in other peoples views. Until i fully get into Krav or another art i will continue to read peoples responses and opinions because i find what everybody is sayng interesting.

If you want to stay and post, I don't see any reason why you can't. Got no problem with that.

However, you're posts tend to lump "aikido" into one big world. As in your first paragraph. Some people's experiences with aikido don't run the same as yours. So, stop for a second and think about a few things. First, Ueshiba Morihei pretty much let a whole range of people test him. People who were high up in the martial arts world thought highly of him. In other words, he made Aikido work in all situations. Now, think of Shioda, Tomiki, and Tohei. They were tested also. By lots of people. Just research Kevin Blok's meeting with Shioda. So, their (Shioda, Tomiki, Tohei) Aikido worked. I don't think Chuck Clark, Dennis Hooker, Saotome, Ikeda, or Ellis Amdur (to name a few) have many problems with their Aikido working. At least not in the view you are taking. And I hear a lot of good things coming out of the TNBBC and I'm hoping that I'll be able to make a visit out there one day.

Really, unless you've experienced all these variations of Aikido, you can't sum up "in real life situations it doesn't work" and "Aikido is fooling a lot of people". Yes, you feel that way, but really, it isn't the Aikido that's failing. And hey, I don't have any problems stating, my aikido sucks. But, I'm working to correct that.

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