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Old 12-21-2005, 02:52 PM   #253
Dojo: Aunkai, Tokyo
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 591
Re: Japanese "Ki," Chinese "Chi"

Dan Harden wrote:
I should have said that this divided pelvic work was (in my view) the driving force behind what I saw in this one silk reeling exercise I was shown. I won't mention the rather mundane names we attached to much of this.
Have you done judo style throw resistence and collapsing work or do you stay mostly with the kick and punch? How do you recieve/deal with jabs, feints, and head hunting?
Most of the body work that I've seen Ark use in a relatively more free format is Yagyu shingan related stuff. Lots of elbows held close the body(running them close to the lines of the body), and as soon as contact is made, you use the body to move around the person, while the hands ensnare the other person. Some of it ends up looking like Hsing-i/baji,Pigua (other cma styles).
I'll see if I can't get a video of it some time.
With boxing, he tends to jam the opponent. Since there's no telegraphing movement, it's really unnerving when he starts coming at you. His ability to instantly change levels on the verticle axis and suddenly "not" be there tends to throw a wrench in the game as well.
Shoots, takedowns, either he can simply move out of the way after stopping your structure with a seemingly light touch, or as a trick he'll just let you shoot his leg, reinforce the path to it (which makes it feel unmovable), and then he collapses his knee on top of you.

The most overriding difference I'd have to say is that, it doesnt *feel like sparring when he moves. Which makes it uncomfortable for the opponent to move or do anything.
For those that understand japanese it's かなりいやな感じ。。。気持ち悪いくらい。

Of course it'll be really fun if we can get some kind of 90kg+ brow beater into the class. Which is why I joined a BJJ school over here in Tokyo
Actually on a different tangent, I just got back from my 2nd day of BJJ, and I can say that I can roll on an almost equal level w/ the purple belts and even choked out one of them twice. Big $#$#er, outweighed me by at least 35lb, all muscle.
(Tho I got my ass kicked plenty as well, by some of the others ).
The most interesting thing was that rolling on the ground using Ark's principals felt totally natural.
My last ground experience was a couple months newaza Judo about 3, 3.5 years back
I don't know the finishes, but defense, and understanding when you were vulnerable/what to do to get out, felt totally natural, especially when rolling with someone that was heavier, and much more technically proficient.
Other thing was, using Ark's principals on the ground uses much much much less strength over all. Stamina wise I was definitely on the top end of the group (and I'm not exaggerating).
Now it's back to 工夫(kufuu) kufuu kufuu, and figure out a new way to move on the ground

Last edited by Upyu : 12-21-2005 at 02:55 PM.
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